This morning’s during the slog up treadmill hill I read through Wm. Denton’s How to Make a Faceted Classification and Put It on the Web.
I’ll have a lot more to say about it in a couple of days. (Beware.)
This morning I only want to point you to the section 4.2: Faceted Navigation: Three Questions and Four Principles. I love his fourth principle:
The URL is the notation for the classification. It should be compact, comprehensible,and editable. When a knowledgeable user examines it he or she should be able to understand how it is built and how editing it could lead to other entities.
Technically this can be a royal pain in the ass to create and many will argue that it is only useful for the uber-geeks. But think on it. How often have you gone to a bookmarked page and then chopped off it’s tail or altered a word or two to get some place when you didn’t feel like typing in some big ass ole URL?