The saga of TV station search wierdness continues.
For the last few days I have been doing a bunch of search interface testing on the news sites of our local TV stations. I had a standard list of search subjects that I ran through all the sites. One of which was “motorcycle chase”. (Other searches included the words: car wreck, truck tire, and boat race.)
I returned to two of the sites this morning to look for the contact information for the news directors. I have a complaint to make about their biased coverage of motorcycle safety. Specifically about their willingness to swallow, unchewed, the PR pablum that the Washington State Patrol feeds them. This PSA greeted me on KING5’s site.
Obviously KING5’s cookie was still hanging out in my browser cache.
Note with me the irony of the situation, the car is crossing the centerline. Shows the true state of motorcycle safety here in the fine state of Washington. Idiot cager’s probably on the phone.