Personalization of Your News Coverage — Even if You Don’t Become a Member

The saga of TV sta­tion search wierd­ness continues.

For the last few days I have been doing a bunch of search inter­face test­ing on the news sites of our local TV sta­tions. I had a stan­dard list of search sub­jects that I ran through all the sites. One of which was “motor­cy­cle chase”. (Other search­es includ­ed the words: car wreck, truck tire, and boat race.)

I returned to two of the sites this morn­ing to look for the con­tact infor­ma­tion for the news direc­tors. I have a com­plaint to make about their biased cov­er­age of motor­cy­cle safe­ty. Specifically about their will­ing­ness to swal­low, unchewed, the PR pablum that the Washington State Patrol feeds them. This PSA greet­ed me on KING5’s site.

Motorcycle Safety

Obviously KING5’s cook­ie was still hang­ing out in my brows­er cache.

Note with me the irony of the sit­u­a­tion, the car is cross­ing the cen­ter­line. Shows the true state of motor­cy­cle safe­ty here in the fine state of Washington. Idiot cager’s prob­a­bly on the phone.
