I’m pretty much a paper based GTDer; I just get along better with cellulose and ink. But for those of you who prefer to get things done electronically, over at Lifehacker, Gina has a nice article on the basics of setting up the various parts of a GTD system in GoogleNotebook.
A similar setup can be created in a OneNote notebook using one section for each of the five basic categories. The only hitch in this approach is that in OneNote you can’t share only one section of a Notebook. So you can’t give other people access to your InBox without giving them access to the rest of your notebook.
I don’t use OneNote for my Inbox so sharing isn’t an issue.
If your collection of stuff is as big as my collection you may want to divide your system into five notebooks rather than using sections in a single notebook. This solves the shared/not shared Inbox problem and if you’re working with really large files over a network allows for some improvement in performance.