I’ve been working on moving a bunch of our old family website (Black Dog Farm) to a new server (Blackdog and Magpie.) It’s not the prettiest website you’ll ever see but it serves well as a sandbox.
At the moment I“m working on building a new set of weather reporting pages. We have a fairly complete set of weather observation instruments and an old machine in the server cabinet that records that data from them. Here at the MCWD I can fire up a program called Virtual Weather Station and look at many (many) graphs, charts, and reports. The trick now is to get all that lovely data up on the web. (I’ll detail some of the strengths and weaknesses of VWS in another post.)
In addition to displaying our total geekiness by having live weather reporting on our website, we use the reported data to keep track of some of the highs and lows of rural life. Like power line destroying winds and freezing temperatures.
Today’s quandary is about what data to put where on which page and how to arrange it.
The main item on the first page is easy. VWS provides a nice summary graphic called “Broadcast” that is uploaded via ftp.
But what to do with the rest of the space? In particular what to do with the left column? I’m torn between providing cool stuff for visitors, like a rotating Northwest weather trivia and providing the information I most need when I’m not at the house.