I’ve looked at a couple of e‑book readers in the last month. So far nothing compelling has appeared. This morning I had the though that the thing that will make me buy an e‑book reader is:
I love to write in books but I don’t anymore because marginalia influences second readings too much. If I could create marginalia, (and underlines, and highlights, and snarky little comments, and …) that I could then show or hide depending on what I’m trying to do at the moment I would be a long way to persuaded that an e‑book reader was in my future.
Or how about the ability to pass around the marginalia that we create — I could send you a file and you could add my notes as an overlay to your notes on your copy of the text? How cool would that be? (How cool would the data set of twenty or thirty sets of marginalia for one book be? ooo the possibilities for analysis…)
Well, marginalia and a technology that is readable by someone with lousy eyesight.