link feeds? no thank you.

I’ve had enough of the link feeds that are clut­ter­ing up my rss feed read­er. People who used to post once or twice a week because they had some­thing inter­est­ing to say are now drop­ping 2, 3, or more links into my read­er everyday. 

I don’t need to fol­low their wan­der­ings around the web. If they can’t think of some­thing sub­stan­tial to say about some­thing they’ve found on the web then they should keep it to them­selves or at least with­in their (or what­ev­er) network. 

I’m going to miss the occa­sion bit of wis­dom (or cool­ness) from a few of them but the sig­nal to noise ration has gone over the knee and I’m clos­ing the channel. 

