As I get busier I find that my daily blog/news/web reading habits change. What used to be a leisurely hour or so now gets squeezed into 20 or 30 minutes.
What falls out and what stays makes for a kind of embarrassing list. I read the funnies. Nine Chickweed Lane, Hello Kitty Hell, ICHC, and xkcd. A some friends and family blogs where only a few folks post more than two or three times a month. A little news (mostly boing-boing — shallow of me, eh?) a little of the consumer tech/gadget scene.
The information architecture, findability, search, and interaction design stuff falls off the screen. I end up scanning weeks worth at a time and blowing off most of it.
Oddly enough the one tech thing that I still read in depth is the mobile phone/device news. It fascinates me. It’s also completely irrelevant to anything I’m doing at the moment or am likely to be doing in the near future. Wonder why…