Color Help for the Design Impaired

I’m not a design­er and right now our home­page is ugly. Really ugly.

ugly version of

One of my prob­lems is that I haven’t been able to decide on a col­or scheme. Until, that is, I was stand­ing in the bath­room brush­ing my teeth this morn­ing and look­ing at the paint col­or sam­ples that I have taped to the wall. (Trying to decide what col­or to paint the bath is a whole ‘nother problem…)

Uh, those nice peo­ple at the Behr paint com­pa­ny have pro­vid­ed sets of already co-ordinated col­ors. Right there in the hard­ware store; just for the tak­ing. How cool is this?

Even cool­er is their on-line Explore Color toy. Pick a col­or, find com­pli­men­ta­ry col­ors, waste a lot of time I should be spend­ing gen­er­at­ing con­tent for my ugly web­site try­ing to pick a col­or for my ugly website.

At the moment I’m lean­ing toward using Fossil Butte for the head­ings and Nature Retreat for the stronger graph­ic ele­ments (like page dividers) all set over a nice qui­et back­ground of Nature Retreat for the side bars and Hushed White for the main text. Lovely, serene, and way more styl­ish that I could ever have come up with on my own!

Now I have to fig­ure out how get RGB val­ues for the col­ors I like. Yey! More stuff to track down. I’ll let you know what I find.
