We live in a place that has “curbside recycling.” Kind of a stretch considering the nearest curb is 9 miles from here but… Every other week we put a huge blue wheelie bin in the bucket of the tractor and haul it down to the county road to be picked up. (The green bins are for trash and they go out every week.)
Being every other week there are of course some Thursday evenings when the most pressing question is “Is this a recycling week?” There’s a little calendar in the fridge that answers this question when we’re not sure.
A couple of weeks ago we dutifully loaded up the big blue bin and hauled it out to the road where it joined it’s fellows. The next day on the way to PO I saw lots of blue bins carefully lined up along the county road — all as it should be.
Until Friday night (okay, Saturday morning) when I took the tractor down to the road to pick up the bins. Uh, the recycling bin is still full. What’s with that? Hey all the recycling bins are full. Idiots didn’t pick up, I hate that now I have to haul a full bin back and it’s full and we won’t have anywhere to throw the paper… and you get the idea.
But before I go off all pissed on some poor phone-answering customer service dweeb maybe I should check the schedule. Uh… huh?… really? It’s not a recycling week. Says so right here on the schedule. So what’s up with that?
I have gotten the week wrong before and either not taken the bin down when I should or taken it down when I shouldn’t. What makes this incident weird is that so many people put out their bins on the wrong week. Not just the five of us who live up here on our (dirt) road but people all up and down the county road. It was a vast line of big blue bins. Why?
A little thought and a little household discussion answered the question.
Me: Did you check the calendar yesterday?
Him: No, did you?
Me: No. But everyone else had put their big blue bins out so I took ours to the road.
Just enough people made the mistake of taking the big blue bin to the road on the wrong day to start a cascade.
And a lot of those bins stayed right there in their nice tidy lines waiting for recycling week, next Thursday.
Thanks to Black Dog for the photos.

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