Unintentional (Spam) Poetry Slam

Spam Hall of Fame

Most spam is a unap­pe­tiz­ing grey lump of goo. But occa­sion­al­ly there are hints of rain­bow spark­ly uni­corn meat in the spam box.

Here are some of my favorite exam­ples of that unin­ten­tion­al poetry.

That is sec­ond inci­dent that I am scan­ning some­thing about mod­i­fy­ing inter­net web­sites with all the pro­gram. It seems that you’re an super pro­fes­sion­al blog­ger. Your pub­lish is an excel­lent Instance of why I car­ry on com­ing back to review your great top qual­i­ty con­tent that is eter­nal­ly updated.

Eternally updat­ed — I like that.

and this — from a the spam queue on a motor­cy­cle rid­er edu­ca­tion advo­ca­cy blog.

I 40 weeks are also no move­ment, oth­ers say that delay would be born a girl, and I was born in a sec­ond, why would post­pone? not advance? me depressed! because folks like I was born a boy, the mood has been a heavy, do women real­ly helpless!
Parents, don’t depressed, boys girls it is two peo­ple. The girl gave more inti­mate? boy la, that truth. My cousin was born in La, but boy Oh! do not wor­ry, as long as b‑everything works, you can wait for the last few days, if not, you can select easy deliv­ery or cesare­an sec­tion. I am not only such easy deliv­ery, cesare­an sec­tion, the result did not result in a vari­able width of pelvis also has much better


this is from the DH’s email

Subject: Choose 1 out of 2: new meet­ing or noth­ing interesting?)

That dog has been the eccle­si­as­tic of every improp­er one, and of all his infer­nal discontents.


Hem could not adorn up wain­scot to dis­be­lieve any miser.

not sure how we get from his infer­nal dis­con­tents to the wain­scot. the decor in hell must be bitchin’

and a lit­tle gem from a writer’s web­site that I manage.

What a stuff of un-ambiguity and pre­ser­ve­ness of pre­cious expe­ri­ence on the
top­ic of unex­pect­ed emotions.