The Books of September and October

Read: Fiction PS from Paris — Marc Levy (2017) As close to a pure romance as I am like­ly to read. Two dis­af­fect­ed char­ac­ters: a writer hid­ing from his past suc­cess and an actress hid­ing from her cur­rent mar­i­tal prob­lems. The twist is amus­ing — the writer, an American liv­ing in Paris — is popular … 

Books of June

This month in non­fic­tion: Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior — Catherine Johnson and Temple Grandin (2006) Ms. Grandin has a unique per­spec­tive on ani­mal behav­ior that is informed by her own autism. She is very opin­ion­at­ed but you have to trust the opin­ion of a woman who has …