Morning Linkage (Jan 27)


Barbour does a one minute spot to cel­e­brate their 75th. Black and white video of vin­tage tri­als machines. Bikes and rid­ers cred­it­ed in the post. Flutter.

Today is make the Bear hap­py day. After the tri­als video above, I’ve found these two videos of the Jack Pine Triumph Scrambler. The first is a loud, jagged, too many cut-aways hooli­gans ride through Philadelphia. The sec­ond a sedate, black and white, nar­rat­ed tour of the bike’s fea­tures. You’ll love one or the oth­er but prob­a­bly not both.

Insanity gets a real­ly nice 70’s rac­er treat­ment. A Kawasaki H1.


I went to the NYT Best Ideas of 2010 arti­cle to get a look at this 1:00 ani­ma­tion about wind pow­er gen­er­a­tion with­out tur­bines. There’s a few oth­er inter­est­ing tid­bits there.

Another use of the ubiq­ui­tous cell­phone as an imag­ing and sen­sor device. Handyscope. Sold as a mag­ni­fy­ing imager to der­ma­tol­o­gists, but prob­a­bly use­ful for any num­ber of sit­u­a­tions requir­ing a close look at sur­faces. (Metal fatigue anyone?)

Art, Images, and Design

One of my favorite con­tem­po­rary pho­tog­ra­phers is Mark Tucker. (yeah — you’ve seen him here before.) In this post he talks about home­made cam­eras. It’s all very geeky and feels too much like farkling your bike with­out rid­ing fur­ther than to the Starbucks…  Until you see the con­tact sheets he serves up as an exam­ple of what he could do with one of his franken­cam­eras. And then you go look at the Plungercam franken­cam­era. Um, yeah this guy would fit right in with this crowd.

I love a good Japanese mon­ster movie. They were the rainy day diver­sion of choice at sum­mer camp in my child­hood. There’s noth­ing like a bad­ly scratched film with poor­ly trans­lat­ed English sub­ti­tles at the bot­tom. Except maybe these bet­ter than the orig­i­nal Czech and Polish posters adver­tis­ing those same movies. There’s some real­ly great graph­ics here for fea­tures like Godzilla and Gappa.

Animation and Moving Images

I hate gro­cery day… Well I don’t, but lots of peo­ple do. If you’re one of them here’s lit­tle bit of fun for you. (No, I do not under­stand the grapes thing — just weird.)
Video 0:52 with a lit­tle song.
