Morning Linkage (Jul 13)


Destroying land­mines before they destroy you. Introducing the Assault Breacher Vehicle.  Video at the bot­tom. (Typically trag­ic choice of sound tracks.)

The VFR1200F. Any review that starts with the Ohlins tech at the track laughing…

I“m bet­ting that a num­ber of you will feel a lit­tle wisp of nos­tal­gia when you look at this shiny restored Hodaka.

Airport shut­tle, moto park­ing comes to France. Gear lock­ers, dis­count­ed price, and a ride to the ter­mi­nal. Anyone in Seattle got a chunk of land near Sea-Tac? Okay — maybe a bet­ter idea in LA.


Undersea crea­tures fas­ci­nate me. I have no idea why and I don’t think I want your opin­ions on the mat­ter either. Some more portraits.


Salsa verde the way I’ve seen it made in Mexico. Yummy recipe and presentation.

Art, Images, and Design

Once used to trun­dle those ter­ri­ble, not real­ly food meals down the aisles of air­planes, these trol­leys are refur­bished and cov­er­ing in decals to make hip stor­age objects.

Food stored in draw­ers with elec­tron­ic wiz­ardry. It’s kinds cool to think that draw­ers might be bet­ter than cup­boards for food. (Even if this is just a reefer concept.)

From Coilhouse — a new take on the Japanese Floating Worlds tra­di­tion of paint­ing. This is what re-visioning of old­er forms should look like.

Just because I’ve already done ten­ta­cles this morn­ing; I think I’ll add this col­lec­tion of squid images from Animalarium.

Paul Lung’s por­traits are mas­ter works of per­cep­tion. You want to meet each one of the peo­ple he’s drawn. (Done with a.5mm mechan­i­cal pen­cil — I can’t find a ref­er­ence to the hard­ness of the lead he uses.)

James Dean. Because it’s that kind of day and I’m feel­ing the girl­friend love.
