Morning Linkage (Jan 21)


Interesting take on how the TARP funds for trans­porta­tion should be spent. The groups spon­sor­ing the report have an ax to grind but the log­ic is good. More mon­ey for bus­es, less mon­ey for asphalt may equal more, bet­ter, longer last­ing jobs. Hmmm.

It’s Blue, it’s French, that’s enough for me.

There’s that mag­ic word ‘scram­bler’ again. This time with an Italian accent. A pro­duc­tion cus­tom (what­ev­er that is sup­posed to mean) based on the Triumph Bonneville. (Click through for the orig­i­nal site — in Italian — with good music)

I could include a Vintagent post every day. Another TT repli­ca heads up the sto­ry behind the orig­i­nal. Duzmo Levack TT Replica.



Proving my point with­out me hav­ing to do a damned thing. Should the results of research paid for with gov­ern­ment (tax-payer) mon­ey be required to be pub­licly acces­si­ble?

Picky females. Energy sav­ing strate­gies to insure that her repro­duc­tive efforts (eggs) don’t go to waste. Creature cast #11. NSFW — car­toon ani­mal genitalia.


Tech, Tools and Mayhem

Air pow­ered under­wa­ter chain­saw. ‘Nuf said.

Creating anoth­er kind of may­hem, Amazon fires the first shot in the next round of the eBook wars. If eReaders are now com­mod­i­ty devices the bat­tle field shifts to con­tent. Amazon sweet­ens the pot for authors but with a few strings.


Art, Images, Design

Spiral stair case/slide — epic win.

WWIII — the cyber­war. Okay, maybe we need a bet­ter name for the inter­net war but we’ll have great posters.

Art stu­dent Jim Tierney, designs new cov­ers for Jules Verne clas­sics. I love jazz the feel of these.

Small Victories. Found pho­tographs with odd, cap­ti­vat­ing sub­ti­tles. Not ter­ri­bly optimistic.

Now where did I put those ray gun plans…
