Morning Linkage (Jan 11)


A lit­tle bas­tard. CB160. omg cute.

On the oth­er hand — this is awe­some­ness smack. Fast Kitty Superbike Showdown. (Animation — Sound)
More here — and t‑shirts:


Architecture, Design

I try to stay away from the kitchen pr0n. Too many cooks, too few HGTV addicts here­abouts. But these mas­sive kitchens sinks in cute coun­try kitchens… Well, what can I say? Everyone Wants.

Further thoughts on archi­tec­ture, and the futil­i­ty of space and motion. My
<cough> pretentious</cough> descrip­tion of a puz­zling construction.


Art, Images, Illustration

Only two links today — but hours of eye stim. Koi, Koi, Koi’s round ups of Street Art for 2009.

The South American edi­tion. I par­tic­u­lar­ly love the Mexican masks of Zime – Neuzz, and the Brazilian drag­on of Ignoto Semente.

The European ver­sion. Fars – Mouse – Varna ‘s bathers under the bridge in Bulgaria pust loca­tion to good use. Aec cre­ates a whim­si­cal sci-fi mys­tery on a drive-way gate in the Ukraine.

Have a good day campers.
