Morning Linakge (Sep 10)

Three sets of pho­tographs today.

From Chile — a set by Big Picture of the scene of the col­lapse of the San Jose cop­per and gold mine. Humanity.

What we eat — if we’re on the ground in a com­bat zone. MRE’s of the nations. Click each pack­age for a look at the con­tents. Comfort food is very cul­tur­al. (the relat­ed essay is behind the reg­is­ter wall. it’s worth a throw away email address.)

National Geographic will pre­miere a new spe­cial “Night of the Lion” on Sept 13th — in the UK — sigh. all sorts of cool pho­to­graph­ic tech­nol­o­gy was used to catch lions doing what lions do at night. (Video clips and pho­to galleries.)

And that’s it for a week or so. There will be dai­ly blog­gage at Ms. Shoes blog. The usu­al trip reports with pho­tos and gal­leries. Links will be post­ed here.

Take good care of your­selves while I’m gone ;-)


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