Morning Linkage (Nov 5)

Back in the coun­try and ready to serve up linky goodness.

We’re back at boys and girls.



If you dig Marisa Miller, vin­tage pin-ups and H‑D motos then you’re going to have a good morn­ing. Be a men­sch, send the post­card to a sol­dier after you’re done with the drooling.

It’s TT antic­i­pa­tion time. Cafe Racer Society fea­tures the art of John Hancock draw­ing TT leg­ends.

Much more Hancock moto good­ness.

Sweet short graph­ic nov­el sto­ry about a 17 year old rac­ing the TT in 1922. There is the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a full length ver­sion. I’ll keep my eye on it.

New favorite office chair. More ves­pa mad­ness.



A cou­ple of old school links.

Nerd badges rock. The full stack web devel­op­er badge rec­og­nizes those of you (us) who know how the serv­er works as well as how to make it all look okay in IE 5. Plus break­fast food!

Fascinating his­to­ry of the <IMG> tag. A look into how deci­sions were made in the pre-historic era; I wish it was so sim­ple now.



There’s bound to be just the right inspi­ra­tional mes­sage in one of these two posts. (Not for the goody-goody types.)

Images, Art, Architecture

Information Architecture and the City. ~The~ hot top­ic for con­fer­ences this year. Need a title to hang your pre­sen­ta­tion on? Head on over to the Urban Informatics Speech Title Generator. Did that last talk fall flat? Click the but­ton for anoth­er gig.

I adore the idea of con­vert­ing com­mer­cial build­ings to res­i­dences. How about a gas station?

Another one for the Amazon wish list. Described by Cory Doctrow as “Funny, inspir­ing, wicked-nerdy”, what more can you ask for from a kids’ com­ic about three awk­ward, brainy types in mid­dle school?

Tome Gauld does love­ly pen and ink draw­ings with sin­gle spot col­ors or back­grounds. Much of his work is com­mer­cial pub­li­ca­tion illos. You can’t escape the charm of pieces like ‘emp­ty house’.

Even if your Spanish is full-on dopey you can’t help smil­ing at these car­toons drawn by Juan Berrio. His blog ‘cuader­no de fras­es encoun­tradas’ (note­book of over­heard phras­es) shows pairs and small groups of every­day peo­ple hav­ing every­day conversations.

Today’s ani­mat­ed video: Bave Circus. A boy sits in his tree house dur­ing a rain storm and lets his mind wan­der. It took me a few sec­onds to get over the snails as pets but the ani­ma­tion is love­ly and the rainy day rever­ie is just the thing for a chilly Thursday in Seattle.
