Morning Linkage (Nov 30)


The Mystery Machine gets a a new look in this zom­bie based remake. And Scoobie gets a breed change? (’cause that’s a dober­man not a dane.) Get the T‑Shirt at Threadless.

And while you’re shop­ping you might want to pick up one of these neat‑o patch­es.

Now you’ll need a scoot­er to go with the patch. I can offer you the fol­low­ing links.

Nicely graph­iced Giggle.

Rock-ola. This three wheel­er by the juke­box peo­ple, no lie.

Then it’s off to the Siberian Motocross on com­bat bikes.

Enough of the silli­ness. This is just pret­ty. Victoria V35 Bergmeister.

I’ll ping and see if we can get a slight­ly revised ver­sion of this help­ful poster. But what bike to feature?

The Fiat 500 is cute. The Abarth ver­sions (of all the vin­tages) are one of my secret vices.


Making and Doing

Knuckle busters has an arti­cle from the Jan 1961 issue of  Popular Mechanics — drill bits for met­al work. Enlightening.

Writing in the sand is for sap­py movie fade-outs. Okay maybe not any more. Kids get to play and a mes­sage prints in the sand. Oh the possibilities.


Art, Images, Illustration

Architectural firm Studio Lindfors imag­ines what our cities will look like if they were flood­ed by polar ice cap melt.

Jason Limon has skil­lz. But most­ly I love the Electrickery sign.

An inter­view with Shaun Tan. Often pigeon holed as a chil­dren’s illus­tra­tor, his images hint at larg­er narratives.

Alex Chechik, fresh out of school with a well devel­oped style. Looking for work in ani­ma­tion. Different from most of what I’m seeing.

Three black and white pho­tos to round out the morn­ing. No commentary.
Three.  (NSFW)

That’s it. Talk amongst your­selves while I set up the next show.
