Morning Linkage (Nov 27)

Art, Images

Goncalo Viana did this clever illus­tra­tion of a car as a hel­met for an arti­cle on car safety.

More of  Goncalo’s work on his port­fo­lio page.

Nerdbots. Lovable found object sculp­tures. The logo rocks too.

Mercedes Laguanas is from Madrid. Mysticism infused portraits.

I have not read any of Stuff of Legends. In fact I had­n’t giv­en it any head space at all until I saw this detail from one of the cov­ers. If the sto­ry is as intense­ly inter­wo­ven as the graph­ic ele­ments of this image I may need to get some.

Chimeras by Antoine and Manuel. Work from 2006.

Charming artist. Charming inter­view. Charming work.

Women in the GDR. Black and white pho­tographs by Sibylle Bergemann. Starting with a moto por­trait. Let the slide show run.

Gouache on paper. Ric Stultz uses sim­ple forms and visu­al puns to set up uni­ver­sal ideas. Doughnut, hack­saw, and handcuffs?

Happy day after the binge.
