Morning Linkage (Nov 19)


Zagato. A name that makes you think of per­for­mance or ele­gance. But
this lit­tle gem? Nope. Not at all. Dang cute e‑v though.

Tom Swift is best known around here for lend­ing his name to a vile
word game. But he rode some nifty equip­ment as well. At least
accord­ing to this book cover.

From Australia. A twin cafe rac­er by Deus ex Machina. When you’re done
ogling the beau­ty hov­er over “select a gallery” to find more goodies.
NB Reader’s wives isn’t what you expect. SFW

First it was the pock­et pyrom­e­ter, then the hel­met cam. Now the pock­et
. Coming to CES this spring.



The icon­ic sil­hou­ette of the coca-cola bot­tle is instantly
rec­og­niz­able. Except that there was­n’t just one shape. A his­to­ry of
the con­tain­er. Which one is ‑the- coke bot­tle for you?


Science (?)

NASA has blogs and pages and inter­ac­tive por­tals to every­thing. But
noth­ing quite as wry as this blog from Maksim Suraev who’s currently
resid­ing on the ISS. This demon­stra­tion of the lat­est interstellar
space weapon­ry… (Translated from the orig­i­nal Russian.)


Art, Images, Illustration

Side note:
I’m begin­ning to have seri­ous doubts about the use­ful­ness of the web
for dis­play­ing an overview of an artist’s work. I find something
inter­est­ing on an aggre­ga­tor site (like MyModernMet, Designlenta, et
al.), go to artist’s site, and then end­ing up link­ing back to the
refer­ring source because they have cho­sen the best of the artist’s
work and are dis­play­ing it at a view­able size. Giving you all the best
chance to decide if you’d like to click through and nav­i­gate the
haz­ards of the artist’s site to look at more.

Ripo does 10 days of BBC head­lines. More sign painter than graffiti
artist, at least here.

Urban sketch­ers in pas­tels this morn­ing. The High Line park in NYC.
Love the crowd.

More art com­ing from graf­fi­ti and sten­cil work. This is a nice montage
of Eyeone’s work. Click through for more.

Everyone knows that Annie Leibovitz is one of my favorite
pho­tog­ra­phers. For the December issue of Vogue (US) she’s done Hansel
and Gretel
. I loved her Alice in Wonderland. I hate this. You?



Fluorescent Hill did video for NASA (not the space peo­ple, the music
project) Toms Waits, Kool Keith, ani­ma­tion, and an inter­view with the
cre­ators. Wowza.

Tarboy, cre­at­ed by James Lee and Hania, is a ster­ling exam­ple of
flash ani­ma­tion. A brisk, epic short film, it is a per­fect­ly packaged
cap­sule of awe­some
. A fan­tas­tic robot fla­vored, after­noon pick-me-up.”
Because I could not begin to describe this any bet­ter… (Coilhouse)
