Old school, TT, sidecars, and air. Can’t miss picture.
Making custom bikes out of anything with a radiator is a challenge.
this CX500 gets close to perfection.
Wrench monkees gets some quality digital print in the latest issue of
El Diablo. Starting on page 11. Warning(s) other portions of the El
Diablo issue are NSFW and not everyone likes Duranguense.
Necessity is a mother, or shrinky-dinks to the rescue. No, never mind,
save the budget and just hit up Micheals the next time you need to
build a bunch of micro-fluidic chips.
There were/are so many talented engineers behind the illusions that
are Disney. Dustin Curtis’s seat mate on day 10 let him in on some of
how the music/ambient sound environment is created. Subtle and
For my fav. mycologists. ‘Histoire Naturelle des Champignons
Comestibles et Vénéneux’ [The natural history of edible and poisonous
mushrooms] by the French pharmacist, Guilliame Sicard. Pretty.
Images, Illustrations, Art
I remember a few too many of the album covers featured in this
retrospective of work by Shusei Nagaoka. Enjoy.
Urban Sketchers made the in-flight magazine of Midwest airlines. Take
a cruise around the site. It’s the kind of sketching I would do if I
could and the sort of expression I aim for with a camera.
Short and Sweet today my lovelies. (Not at all like me.)