Morning Linkage (Nov 10)


Old school, TT, side­cars, and air. Can’t miss picture.

Making cus­tom bikes out of any­thing with a radi­a­tor is a challenge.
this CX500 gets close to perfection.

Wrench mon­kees gets some qual­i­ty dig­i­tal print in the lat­est issue of
El Diablo. Starting on page 11. Warning(s) oth­er por­tions of the El
Diablo issue are NSFW and not every­one likes Duranguense.



Necessity is a moth­er, or shrinky-dinks to the res­cue. No, nev­er mind,
save the bud­get and just hit up Micheals the next time you need to
build a bunch of micro-fluidic chips.

There were/are so many tal­ent­ed engi­neers behind the illu­sions that
are Disney
. Dustin Curtis’s seat mate on day 10 let him in on some of
how the music/ambient sound envi­ron­ment is cre­at­ed. Subtle and



For my fav. mycol­o­gists. ‘Histoire Naturelle des Champignons
Comestibles et Vénéneux’ [The nat­ur­al his­to­ry of edi­ble and poisonous
mush­rooms] by the French phar­ma­cist, Guilliame Sicard. Pretty.


Images, Illustrations, Art

I remem­ber a few too many of the album cov­ers fea­tured in this
ret­ro­spec­tive of work by Shusei Nagaoka. Enjoy.

Urban Sketchers made the in-flight mag­a­zine of Midwest air­lines. Take
a cruise around the site. It’s the kind of sketch­ing I would do if I
could and the sort of expres­sion I aim for with a camera.

Short and Sweet today my lovelies. (Not at all like me.)
