Morning Linkage (Jul 14)

Charming lit­tle toy that does that glass­es clean­ing thing your
grand­fa­ther did when he was­n’t sure how to answer “Why is Uncle
Tommy’s head like that?”

The lap­top is becom­ing the form fac­tor of choice for WTF mod-ers.

A cou­ple of retro tech links:

Grid Beam looks like a very grown up ver­sion of the Mecco or Erector Set.

Sony’s first “home” video recorder. Lipstick cams were not even a dream then.

Toy I want to give my nephew — My sis­ter would hate me. (Caution turn
the audio down before you click play on the video.)

Shaking a full scale build­ing is the extreme way to test earthquake
proof­ing. The third test in the series was done’ this morn­ing. We’ve
missed the live web­cast but you can see ear­li­er tests and it’s likely
that a link to the video of today’s tests will be post­ed ASAP.

I don’t real­ly care about elec­tric cars. But the lead pho­to in this
sto­ry on the pos­si­ble Mercedes gull-wing elec­tric is one of my all
time favorite cars in a fab­u­lous loca­tion. Yum.

Paper mod­els with a sense of humor. I’m buy­ing this. Right now. I love
Matt’s stuff. (Sorry there’s no URL with­out the pay­pal link)

A very sweet fab­ric swatch. Butterflies with lorgnettes.

Bonus lol-cat: You kids, get off my lawn indeed.

See you all Thursday,
