Morning Linkage (Jul 13)

Monday the 13th. That seems like it should be worse luck than Friday the 13th.

Seven pages of the most amaz­ing mon­sters ever paint­ed. Travis Louie’s
Monster? group exhibition.

Tom Gauld draws mon­sters too. mak­ing nois­es. Onomatopoeia is fun. So
is the rest of his photostream.

Drawing and words togeth­er again in cal­li­graph­ic ani­mals from BibliOdyssey

Real ani­mals and some oth­er very strange visions. It’s almost State
Fair time and Nat’l Geo has a pho­to gallery for us.

Sugar and caf­feine are potent drugs. Here there are, com­bined in a
nos­tal­gic form. Nixie Sticks — pix­ie sticks for grown-ups.

Have a few of the above and sit down to watch the cavort­ing squirrels,
rab­bits, and mice in the Royal Ballet’s Tales of Beatrix Potter.
(Cloyingly cute.)

A note­book that is so cool that I am will­ing to post this link in
spite of the unus­able flash based site.

Use the note­book to design a fortress to besiege using a cou­ple of
these lit­tle gems. Cube warfare!

No imag­i­nary prin­ci­pal­i­ty is com­plete with­out a flag. There are few
that are no longer being used. (And the details as to why may provide
lessons to be heeded.)

Have a good morn­ing y’all
