Morning Linkage (Aug 20)

Tech and Design

These solar pan­els make alien flower art at night. Austin, what you
been drinkin’?

Seattle has a cou­ple of aban­doned big box stores. Other parts of the
coun­try have more. Many of them have clear or translu­cent roofs.
Here’s a pro­pos­al to reuse those spaces for food pro­duc­tion. Instead
of buy­ing con­sumer goods made in China we would be able to buy food
grown locally.‑new-business-model-a-productive-suburb/

I think I like the pic­ture of the lit­tle girl with her bug catcher
pen­dant more than the object itself. I know sev­er­al sprogs who would
love one of these portable biol­o­gy labs though.

Silly is a good thing ear­ly in the morn­ing. I don’t drink bagged tea
but I’d fall off my chair gig­gling if one of these dec­o­rat­ed tea bags
appeared in my cup.


A mixed up set of pic­tures today.

From Shanghai, Maleonn cre­ates elab­o­rate sets and cos­tumes for his, I
like the term used in the blurb, fables. This series of circus
per­form­ers car­ries an almost cin­e­mat­ic over­tone. Click through to his
web­site for much more.

From Russia, more gen­tle, apocalyptic-cartoon illus­tra­tion. Anton Semenov.

Brandon Bloomaert (Germany) builds crea­tures from waste paper and then
stages scenes that remind one of old vaca­tion snaps.

A very dif­fer­ent look­ing almost sten­ci­lesque set of illus­tra­tions from
the French design­er Maloo. A cou­ple are NSFW.

A series of stills from the movie Metropolis along with a nice summary
of the movie’s style cues.


Misc Cultural Bits

Too sweet. Life size Candyland game being built in Lombard St.

The impos­si­ble Cool brings us Bud Ekins. The guy who jumped the bike
in the Great Escape. (look him up in wikipedia)

Finally, why can’t my school trips have end­ed with all the nasty girls
get­ting eat­en by a croc­o­dile? Revenge by paper automaton.
