Morning Linkage (Aug 12)


Some peo­ple are lament­ing the loss of pos­si­ble future clas­sic cars to
the cash for clunk­ers pro­gram. The NYT Week in Review pon­ders the
ques­tion and comes up with 4 pos­si­ble clas­sics cur­rent­ly eli­gi­ble for
crush­ing. The 88 Jag maybe. The oth­er three, I rather have a Pacer.

OTOH so many of us have fond mem­o­ries of car camp­ing in the old family
sta­tion wag­on. Here’s a peek at a 1957 book on the subject.

and a link to the full text of the book from the Internet Archive.

I had a (most­ly non-running) Vespa in col­lege and still think the
lit­tle scoot­ers are the epit­o­me of small trans­port design. Here’s a
chance to get one for your­self and match­ing mini for your fav sprog.
Very Pretty™



Highly effi­cient LEDs may be get­ting close. Good for flash­lights, bad
for atmos­pher­ic room light­ing (IMO).

Ever won­der why your top­py sadist friends have thing for redheads?
Turns out car­rot tops real­ly are more sensitive.



I have a ter­ri­ble time with those lit­tle flash dri­ves. They don’t have
enough bulk to pre­vent them hid­ing in the dark­est recess­es of my
purse, and the exposed con­nec­tors either get stepped on and mangled,
or so full of purse dust that they don’t plug in. If there’s a cover
for the con­nec­tor it gets lost… etc. This may be the solu­tion. Ugly
but nice­ly functional.–1143-3415–5F762303CCD7756E&cat_id=8263FD89-1143–3415-5F27986110DFB583

Frank Plant is an American Sculpture liv­ing in Spain. He builds
pic­tures from heavy gauge wire and small bits of the real world.  His
blog posts show fin­ished works, work in progress, and details of
build­ing sev­er­al of his pieces. Everyone who writes about him points
to his big red Kalashnikov hang­ing over a sofa but I like his smaller
scenes from every­day life things. Particularly Taking in the Laundry
and the series Sketches of mun­dane chores like vacuuming.

From Portugal a white stuc­co build­ing cov­ered with raised text blocks.
The typog­ra­phy and lay­out is wonderful.



This sort of belongs in Science but it’s here at the end so that I can
jus­ti­fy includ­ing this awe­some  I don’t get teenagers quote.

Even our clos­est rel­a­tives, the great apes, move smooth­ly from their
juve­nile to adult life phas­es – so why do humans spend an agonising
decade skulk­ing around in hoodies?”
