Morning Linkage (Apr 6)

In case you don’t have a suf­fi­cient­ly rad busi­ness card. Make up a few
of these. A must for MEs.

Too bad these are art prints. I would love to take them down to the
local. I’d final­ly be cool­er than the 20 some­things out to show their
girls a hot Saturday night.

A musi­cal inter­lude. A lit­tle Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
nos­tal­gia mixed with a lit­tle swing. There’s a link to a pre­view. No
audio on the lap­pie so I can’t tell you if it’s any good. The cov­er is
a can’t miss though.

Lastly two exam­ples of home fur­nish­ings mixed up into art.

(Note that Sleep Machine is in Japanese. Other mate­r­i­al on Sleep
Machine is NSFW.)

more tomor­row,
