Morning Linkage (Apr 2)

Heavy on the visu­als today.

Touching pho­tos of Mexicans in America who sup­port fam­i­lies at home
doing mun­dane jobs dressed as superheros.

I will make time to see this mod­el and all the rest dur­ing my spring road trip:

I am fas­ci­nat­ed by pho­tographs of decay­ing infra­struc­ture. From
Abandoned Britain, Helling Asylum: I chose one of the 8 pages of
pho­tos. Be aware that you can spend hours on this site.

Another vari­a­tion on plumb­ing mate­ri­als used as in light­ing design. I
like that he’s solved the switch prob­lem with­out resort­ing to a hidden
tog­gle or some­thing else non-plumbing.

Useful key­board mod­i­fi­ca­tion soft­ware for any­one whose work involves
lots of get­ting all those pesky lit­tle typo­graph­ic glyphs to appear in
print and on line.

More tomor­row,
