Women & Power: A Manifesto — Mary Beard

(pub. 2017) Two essays pub­lished in the London Review of Books in 2014 and 2017 In the Public Voice of Women, Beard shows the depth and breadth of the prac­tice of the silenc­ing of women. She begins with the silenc­ing of Penelope by her son Telemachus in the Odyssey. When Penelope enters the hall to ask … 

The Books Of January

Fiction: Artemis — Anthony Weir From the guy who brought you The Martian, one of the finest sci-fi adven­tures of the last 20 years, Artemis is anoth­er adven­ture in space. This time on the moon with lots of sci­ence: lunar shel­ters and man­u­fac­tur­ing in zero G and more than most of us need to know about … 

The Books of December

More or less. I’ve got a lot of books to catch up on. Here’s the first batch.   Fiction: Beartown — Fredrik Backman (2017) Dropped it after just a cou­ple of chap­ters. I like hock­ey but not this much. And I don’t sim­pati­co with the char­ac­ters. The idea of an entire town’s future rest­ing on the … 

The Books of November

Several books in this issues point to a trend: writ­ers seem to be los­ing the mag­ic in their work. Is it age, too much writ­ing, or the unbe­liev­ably car­toon­ish real­i­ty of the times? Whatever, the mag­ic is gone from a lot of writ­ing at the moment. * Magical Realism can’t keep up with the zeitgeist. * …