Morning Linkage (Apr 1)

Every morn­ing I send JimH a quick sum­ma­ry of my morn­ing cruze around
the net. He sug­gest­ed that you all might like to see the results as

From Core77 a snarky short descrip­tion of how the US Mint makes coins
(cool pho­tos) there’s a link to the longer COINage mag­a­zine ver­sion at
the bot­tom. The oth­er entries in their Production Methods Series are
worth a look.

Funny Kindle case. (Yes I love my kindle)

Schneier has begun the annu­al “movie-plot” threat chal­lenge. Ignore
the first cou­ple of com­ments, the good ones are at the bot­tom. Check
back often.

Probably an April Fool’s joke and cer­tain­ly the only way you’ll ever
get me to play gui­tar hero.

There’s a new xkcd. It’s only sor­ta fun­ny. (IMHO)

More tomor­row if you all would like.