shiny things in messy little piles

Category: writing life (Page 3 of 3)

Thoughts on Arrivals

We’re final­ly in Mex­i­co after an overnight delay caused by not hav­ing a flight attendant. 

So I have to ask — is this real­ly vis­it­ing a for­eign coun­try? When the first thing that you do after the inevitable post-flight-hangover nap is walk down the block to the gro­cery store to buy pro­vi­sions? When you can find every­thing you want at the gro­cery store? And none of the prod­ucts is so amaz­ing­ly strange that you’re going to think of them for days after­ward won­der­ing just what they might be? 

On the oth­er hand I’m com­plete­ly cut off lin­guis­ti­cal­ly. My Span­ish goes not fur­ther than order­ing beer and get­ting a cab to take me to a lim­it­ed num­ber of des­ti­na­tions. (No impro­vi­sa­tion­al side trips, please.) 

The first day is always a lit­tle odd. Soul lag I think some­one explained it as. Actu­al­ly that was an expla­na­tion for jet lag. That the soul can’t fly as fast as the body in a jet and so it gets left behind and you feel all fun­ny and out of sorts while you’re wait­ing for it to catch up with you. The first day in Mex­i­co feels a lit­tle like that. You have a list of things you have to take care of. Like the gro­cery store and the going to the bank to get mon­ey, but you’re too tired and the alti­tude is too much (we’re above Den­ver here) to make run­ning right out and _doing_ things a good idea. So you sit around with a lit­tle beer and a bag of peanuts and your lap­top and talk to your part­ner about who the oth­er guests are and secret­ly won­der if you’ll like any of them and debate where to go for din­ner. Should we go to one of the places you’ve been look­ing for­ward to revis­it­ing, or is it waste to do that the first night because, well it’s the first night and my soul is still stuck in a pat­tern some­where over Hous­ton try­ing to fig­ure out how to make it the rest of the way south to join me in the sunshine. 

Today the temp is get­ting to be close to 90. 

We have beer. Bohemia oscuro. Which is vague­ly bet­ter than no beer. But not by much. Good beer is some­thing that you have to go to town to get. Or dif­fer­ent gro­cery store. 

And then a bird took a crap on my com­put­er. Right on the caps lock key. I’m sure that sig­ni­fies something. 

Molly Crabapple Has Your Heart (and I have no motivation)

Today in pro­cras­ti­na­tion fol­lies. I should be adding ID head­ers to the video from last week­end’s Mock Tri­als. But A) I am too dizzy to stand up and work and B) I need to call my doc about that par­tic­u­lar side effect. But C) I don’t have my new doc’s num­ber in my phone and D) If I add it to my phone it won’t nec­es­sar­i­ly appear in my con­tacts on my com­put­er. So… E) I’m now spend­ing time look­ing up what the hell is up with iOS6 and the weird linked con­tacts thing and why it does­n’t sync back to Outlook/Exchange properly. 

And F) I’m talk­ing to you all about what you’re doing rather than doing real™ work. What are friends for?

So G) I’m going to blog this because I haven’t blogged crap in weeks.

Also — this made me very happy. 

Yes, I know the frame runs out over the bor­der of the col­umn. The video is far too cool to stick into the lit­tle itty-bitty col­umn width that my graphic-miser heart requires for hip­ster credibility.

There’s an entire web­site about it — with lots of pic­tures and mak­ing of bits. 

And I’m con­sid­er­ing learning/experimenting with comics and ani­ma­tion. Because wth? I need to go har­ing off after yet anoth­er medi­um for sto­ry telling. 

Brief Note: Who’s in Your Twitter?

Com­ing under the head­ing of Don’t Put Your­self in the Posi­tion to be Jealous.

I have a twit­ter stream full of authors whose work I adore, or whose way of work­ing I admire. Every time one of them gets a good review, pub­lish­es a book, or places a sto­ry, I cheer. I love that the world is going to see more of their work.

But the ones whose stuff I think is mediocre and who I think have cho­sen to be mediocre. Um, no. I don’t have the time to spend with their psyches.

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