Morning Linkage (Sep 9)


Rumors abound. And now there are pic­tures. The US Gran Prix cir­cuit in Austin TX.

A 1943 WLC (that’s a Harley-Davidson) has been sit­ting since 1950 wait­ing for some guy’s grand­son. Now it’s out of the base­ment in the hands of James of Jamesville Customs. Hopefully for a straight for­ward min­i­mal restora­tion. It’s so love­ly just the way it is.

Yeah, real­ly. Where is the CB1100? Now that’s a per­fect­ly plain bike that I’d give house space.

Two dash­ing fel­lows and a trail­er of bikes. Jack and Frank Chiswell raced speed­ways in Britain in the 1930’s. Googling will get you bits and pieces of their history.


We all know it’s all about the draw­ings on They Draw, They Cook. Two nice­ly illus­trat­ed recipes for fall dish­es. Lentils and sausage by Jonathan Hawker… and a mush­room and pea risot­to by Weef.

Art, Images, and Design

Clichéd peas­ant girls. Hungarian painter Oszkar Glatz depicts ide­al­ized young­sters. His palette is wonderful.

Movable archi­tec­ture, rit­u­al build­ings, and camp­ing. From Saudi Aramco World, an essay on the tent cities of Central Asia. Most of the images are click­able for larg­er views.

I point­ed you all to Maleonn’s circus-themed, fairy­tale images about a year ago. There’s anoth­er fine set of sur­re­al pho­tographs called Second Hand Tang Poem, reviewed by Wurzeltod. Also avail­able in larg­er size in a flash gallery:


A lit­tle music to enhance your day. Make a Blues Song. A per­fect use of Flash to dri­ve a lit­tle browser-based app. Compose a blues song and hear it played just for you (or share your creation.)

until tomor­row then my dears,
