shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: Norton (Page 2 of 3)

Morning Linkage (Aug 16)


That gasp you just heard, that was my sweet baboo when he saw this fine Nor­ton in BRG.

Oshkosh Trucks, mak­ers of severe duty firetrucks. 0–50 in 35 sec­onds? That’s slooooow. But it has roof mount­ed water cannons.

H2 resto. If you know what this is you’re gonna be real­ly hap­py. If you don’t, well then ask…

Science and Cooking

If you have any young boys in the room you might want to send them out to play. At least until you fig­ure out a gen­tle way to explain this to them. The heart break­ing news from dino land is that there might not actu­al­ly be a tricer­atops. Uh huh. The three horned sav­age might actu­al­ly be the juve­nile form of the big­ger but some­what dull torosaurus.

O’Reil­ly is often the pub­lish­er of first resort for geek­i­ness. Now they are stretch­ing the bound­ary of what’s geeky. With recipes. A tech-ish review of Jeff Pot­ter’s “Cook­ing for Geeks” by James Kalbach.

Art, Images, and Design

Linked to by sev­er­al friends on Face­book. Ear­ly col­or pho­tographs, many repro­duced from slides. Very effec­tive depic­tions of a time in Amer­i­can his­to­ry that most of us have only seen in black and white.

Look­ing at our­selves. The idea of doing a cou­ple of 50’s “look­ing toward the future” style ads for Face­book et al sounds like a lot of fun. Add in a lit­tle Russ­ian per­spec­tive and you get some of the best sound­ing par­o­dies ever.

This past week­end was a good week­end; camp­ing, cook­ing, mete­or watch­ing, etc. Lawrence Cox has cap­tured the sense of adven­tur­ous free­dom bril­liant­ly in his illus­tra­tion of a run-away dog.

so off you go into your week,

Morning Linkage (Jul 8)

Riding into the sunshine.

Ride the hyper­bole express to a dingy Paris base­ment and col­lec­tion of aston­ish­ing vin­tage bikes.  Click­ing on any one of the links leads to a lust pro­vok­ing gallery of the named bike. Includ­ing a Mod­el 18 Nor­ton, A Sun­beam Mod­el 9, 1926 Ridge Spe­cial, and so many more.

Worse eclec­ti­cism than some of my posts. mish­mash of motos from the guy who climbed the fame lad­der with his 10 most dan­ger­ous roads in the world list.

Auto­topi­a’s list of 12 desir­able sta­tion wag­ons. Lit­tered with mod­ern bland­ness but a few gems - the Vista Cruis­er, the Saab 95, and a fab Chevy Nomad.

… and an addi­tion that could eas­i­ly replace any of the mod­ern lux­u­ry car man­u­fac­tur­er boring-mobiles in the orig­i­nal list. The Cit­roen DS Safari.


Crypto­forestry and the Return of the Repressed. How could you write a bet­ter head­line? As any­one with a lit­tle bit of prop­er­ty can tell you, nature will out and the forests will return — to the odd­est places.

Marine biol­o­gy. Giant crab moves out of a too small shell. Awe­some clip.

Art, Images, and Design

Pianos have been appear­ing ran­dom­ly in NYC. I’m always aston­ished at how many of the peo­ple play but I did­n’t know. Play Me I’m Yours.

Urban Sketch­er Tom­my Kane drew one — of course.

Peski­mo are best known for their vinyl toys. This year they’re doing the poster and sig­nage for the Mozil­la Sum­mit. Dol­lars to donuts these lit­tle direc­tion­al signs dis­ap­pear in an instant.

From Ellis Nadler via Jour­ney Round My Skull to Coil House. The Cards of Wu. (I just want­ed to write some­thing with more words cap­i­tal­ized than low­er case.)

Charm­ing, but to eyes raised on the edi­tions of Tolkein’s books with his own illus­tra­tions  these  illus­tra­tions from the Russ­ian edi­tion of the Hob­bit are off kil­ter. Bonus video at the end of a chil­dren’s show based on the books — you’ll rec­og­nize the scenes. Gol­lum is wicked good.

soakin’ in the heat, lovin’ it.

Morning Linkage (Jun 1)


With Game Over spelled out on it’s tank sides, this bike by the Navel Fac­to­ry can only be said to hulk. But the details are love­ly. The cut away speedo for one.

True love. Seri­ous­ly. The guy built this sweet Nor­ton for his girl­friend. That just screams mar­riage mate­r­i­al all over it.

Not very good qual­i­ty video but I just love lis­ten­ing to the com­men­tary.  Catali­na 1954.

Society and Culture

I’m sad­den to have just dis­cov­ered Nei­ther More Nor Less at the end of it’s run. Images and sto­ries from the real world of the East Willage. A dai­ly diary of a small part of our world writ­ten and pho­tographed every day for 4 years. It’s over now. Take a look back at one man pay­ing care­ful attention.

Images, Art, and Design

Colum­bar­i­um is a good dic­tio­nary word. It’s also a wise and com­pas­sion­ate way to deal with our dead. Tin-Sun But is a pro­posed colum­bar­i­um for the bay of Hong Kong.

Pri­pay­at was evac­u­at­ed in May 1986. Told it would just be for a lit­tle while, the 50,000 res­i­dents took only a few days worth of clothes and a hand­ful of per­son­al items with them. Sit­ting along side all of the belong­ings that were left behind, these new images now live on the walls of the homes, offices, and fac­to­ries that they left. Note that the arti­cle is wrong — most of these images were cre­at­ed by tres­passers in the last 10 years not by the flee­ing res­i­dents 20+ years ago. That does­n’t make the images any less effective.

Ani­mals full of whim­sy. (Row­ers on a whale tail? A sheep made out of scissors?)

just pre­tend it’s Mon­day y’all

Morning Linkage (Apr 23)


Don’t let the URL fool you. It’s a groovy Nor­ton. For real? Dear lord, that’s way too much flower for me.

Have $10K lying around? You might want to head over to the Duc deal­er and get one of these, and a mocha. 2011 Duc Mon­ster 796. Yum.

Hon­da goes two-wheel elec­tric. Japan only mod­el the EV-neo. Avail­able for lease at the end of the year. A new busi­ness mod­el for the prob­lem of rapid­ly devel­op­ing elec­tric vehi­cle tech mak­ing this year’s mod­el obso­lete before you’ve fin­ished mak­ing the payments.


The role of Asi­a’s some­times mas­sive spring dust storms in the weath­er of the Pacif­ic Northwest.

Dr. Clelia Duel Mosh­er taught at Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty at the turn of the last cen­tu­ry. Her work includ­ed in depth stud­ies of wom­en’s sex­u­al atti­tudes in the late 19th cen­tu­ry. Work that remained buried in the Stan­ford archives until 1973.

Art, Images, and Design

21 con­dom ads you won’t see here in the Unit­ed States of Puri­tan. Some of these are damned fun­ny. (Love the water bot­tles — sub­tle and would fit right into a Seat­tle mag­a­zine, what with our ded­i­ca­tion to the sport­ing life.)

Dum­fries Scot­land. A land­scape whose plants are irrel­e­vant. Stone and met­al objects that visu­al­ize the basic tenets of math and physics. Utter­ly nerd cool.

Strong lines and vibrant col­ors makes Julie Oak­ley one of my favorite urban sketchers.

and that’s that…
see you next week.

Morning Linkage (Apr 13)


The new MSF Cur­ricu­lum is being talked about. What does this mean to you?

Spon­sored in part by MSF and con­duct­ed by the Vir­gina Tech Trans­porta­tion Insti­tute, a new study aims to pro­duce up to date val­ues for moto acci­dents and near accidents.

Geo­graph­i­cal­ly suit­able vehi­cles? Or design exer­cis­es with stereo types. Con­sid­er­ing that these three vehi­cles designed for the Pacif­ic North­west fit so nice­ly into the lives of the “nature-loving, caffeine-addicted triath­letes” that live here, I’d say the stereo­types are win­ning. (I only know one of the afore men­tioned goobers.)

The descrip­tion of this fine Norton-Harley hybrid begins with,  “Some motor­cy­cles just look exact­ly “right”. Yeah, what he said.\



They Draw and Cook. Illus­tra­tors show their favorite recipes in 1200 x 450 pix­els. Yes, we want this all pub­lished in a book.


Art, Images, and Design

Small urban land­scapes placed in larg­er urban land­scapes. Adding win­dows to met­al box­es cre­ates new spaces where tiny cit­i­zens can live.

More Nicole Dex­tras — Angry Lunch. Cast paper shapes make up a sand­wich with an atti­tude.

A col­lec­tion of unusu­al rugs.  So are wit­ty, some are head scratch­ing­ly odd, a cou­ple would be fab to have on the floor. (Eggs, or the polar bear?)



Pix­els take over NYC. All of your favorite old school arcade games are here.

… and that’s Tues­day for you.

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