shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: Ducati (Page 3 of 5)

Morning Linkage (Sep 7)


Ducati Street­fight­er + Fin­ish­ing Touch 4U (ugli­est name in cus­toms?) = yum­my paint and just right details.

IED stu­dents do con­cept designs for Ducati. 10 designs were sub­mit­ted to Ducati and one pro­duced as a full-scale mock-up. You might find some­thing you like here.

A gallery of gar­ish and hard to take seri­ous­ly PR mate­ri­als for the Suzu­ki GSX-R50 GAG4.


It’s the start of hur­ri­cane sea­son. NASA puts a lot of peo­ple and equip­ment into the air to track and ana­lyze hur­ri­canes. Earl was the first hur­ri­cane to be record­ed from NASA’s new drone, Glob­al Hawk. The arti­cle also includes graph­ics and a link to NASA’s twit­ter where the sci­en­tists fly­ing into and out of Earl on the DC‑8 made some com­ments. NASA’s twit­ter stream is fun in general.

Art, Images, and Design

Okay — that’s cool. The rolling shut­ter arti­fact put to good use. The prop isn’t sup­posed to look that is it? Need more rolling shut­ter? Flickr offers a tag.

Robert Spencer paint­ed the less idyl­lic side of life along the Delaware Riv­er in the 1910’s and 1920’s. Unlike most of his con­tem­po­raries who focused on the pret­ty and rur­al, Spencer was fas­ci­nat­ed by the fac­to­ries, riv­er traf­fic and dai­ly life of the under class.

Always Audrey.

off you go…

Morning Linkage (Sep 1)


It’s not a bad look­ing bike — at all. H‑D pitch­es to the young­sters. No blondes allowed?

A bit of French his­to­ry, a pret­ty lady on a bike, and a Comiot tricycle.

Ralph Stead­man illus­trates Hunter Thomp­son on a Ducati. Per­fect match.

The GSX 1100 des­ig­na­tion has been with us for a very long time. This item from the 80’s is one of the rea­sons why.


From WSU. Why the nice guys get vot­ed off the island. Prop­er title of the paper: “The Desire to Expel Unselfish Mem­bers from the Group”. Humans are so weird.


Point and click adven­ture games are always pop­u­lar with the “I don’t wan­na shoot more stuff” crowd. Most­ly they’re based on var­i­ous poly­gon ren­der­ing engines. But Cock­roach is build­ing some thing a lit­tle dif­fer­ent. Clay and actu­al mod­el mak­ing are used to cre­ate stop-motion sequences for The Dream Machine. A haunt­ed apart­ment com­plex… and a game for grown ups. You can play a demo or sign up for the beta test of chap­ter one here.

Art, Images, and Design

I have a new com­ic in the RSS read­er. Try this one with the fly­ing car.

Humans make unin­ten­tion­al art by their actions. A col­lec­tion of pho­tographs of all of the con­tra­band brought in to the USA via Kennedy Inter­na­tion­al Air­port from Nov 16 to Nov 20, 2009.

Food, visu­al puns, and nice­ly done let­ter­press work. Let­ter­form does a series of sweet greet­ing cards.


We wel­come our mys­te­ri­ous cat-head over­lords? Um, demon­ic, ted­dy bears? I have no idea but it’s fun and goes well with too many lattes. (Video 0:57)

snack time!

Morning Linkage (Jul 29)


Start­ing with a cou­ple of Ducatis.

Sweet Duc 750 Sport.

Joe’s V Cycle cafe rac­ers. A ’66 Duc Mon­za 250 and a ’72 Hon­da CB750.

Ital­ian ref­er­ence, NSU licensed and built Lam­bret­tas. Stub-tailed cat on a scooter.

Not Ital­ian at all. moto — extrem­is. I love this bike.

Political Trivia

Sub­jects” became “cit­i­zens” and the tone of the doc­u­ment changed in a sub­tle and impor­tant way. Jef­fer­son­’s revi­sions of the Dec­la­ra­tion of Independence.

Art, Images, and Design

This could take all day. Titles, excerpts, and cov­er art for vin­tage tracts and pamphlets.

They draw — they cook — pas­ta al limone.

Amy show us vin­tage Chi­nese fire­works packaging.

I seem to be on a mon­sters kick this week. Fuco Ueda under­stands mon­sters and the mun­dane dis­guis­es they wear. Coil­house gives an overview.  Her site.  The nav is hid­den under shoes.

But now we need some­thing a lit­tle brighter. The Bear turns fifty today. Here’s a lit­tle birth­day par­ty.

off you go,

Morning Linkage (Jul 16)


Built as a cus­tom in 1936 this Hen­der­son is Art-Deco in all it’s black, shiny, curvy, swoop­ing glo­ry. Just don’t look at the last shot of the bike being rid­den — it’s actu­al­ly an ungain­ly midget. Le sigh.

For the junior set or aspir­ing moto design­ers and col­orists. The Ducati col­or­ing book. Print and scribble.

Nice bike. Wicked graph­ics. Match­ing hel­met. Roy­al Enfield.

1938 OEC Com­man­der. Today’s looker.


These lit­tle handy things come up every Christ­mas in the Lee Val­ley tools cat­a­log. A bet­ter pock­et screw­driv­er. No more hop­ing that the dime fits in the slot or that a quar­ter will give you enough grip­ping pow­er for that stub­born bolt.

Food and Design

The idea of a gourmet scoop­ing ketchup is, well, so damned food­ie. And the pack­ag­ing plays just the right note.

It’s fresh fruit and veg­etable time. Most pro­duce now arrives at the gro­cery store in anony­mous, waxed card­board crates, but that was­n’t always so. Ani­malar­i­um gives us a help­ing of the clever­est ani­mal themed labels. Tons more.

Art, Images, and Design

More from Yuko. The illus­tra­tions from The Beau­ti­ful and the Grotesque are enough to make you buy the book. The jack­et back blurb will clinch the deal.

Not sure who or what just yet, but this is fab abstract street art from Italy.

Any­where but here (Hous­ton.)

New images for Edward Gorey’s Ghast­ly Crumb Tinies and a cou­ple of new tinies. (One of these is NSFW if you squint real hard.)

Total Weirdness (and hotness)

Some­how you all seemed to have missed the “hot viral awe­some­ness” of the Old Spice Cam­paign; maybe that’s for the best. That’s okay, I watched a bunch for you. And so did the love­ly dudes and dudettes at TwoWheels. The open­er (with the bike at the end)  and a cou­ple of the bike based call and response replies. Oh, yes I do want to be some­one’s  sen­su­al bike friend of romance.

Morning Linkage (Jul 15)


Acces­si­bil­i­ty. Even to the world of eXtreme sports. Joven De La Vega has designed a high­ly mobile wheel­chair for grind­ing it out at the local skate park. The design­ers full set of images, but no video yet.

Moto Beta 125 from back of the shed to pret­ty darn nice week­end toodler.

Swoon. New Ducati of my dreams.

Tools and Tech

The mushy-sweet pos­si­bil­i­ties of this loca­tion aware bracelet awe­some. Because home is a spe­cial place.


Of all the animal-like robots that I’ve seen none has cap­ti­vat­ed me with as much charm as this blocky tur­tle. Who knew this much sweet could be made out of black bake­lite cubes.

Art, Images and Design

Pos­si­bly the worst web­site nav­i­ga­tion ever. All because I was hop­ing to find more of these intri­cate­ly carved tire car­cass­es.

The artist is new to me, but who can argue with laugh­ing kites on a wall in Sao Paulo.

A pho­to jour­ney around the dis­ap­pear­ing Amer­i­ca. As always, road trip and pho­tog­ra­phy are meant for each oth­er. Inter­view with pho­tog­ra­ph­er Micheal East­man about his series Van­ish­ing Amer­i­ca.

Ed Ember­ley start­ed so many kids on the road to being illus­tra­tors and car­toon­ists. Now Scion has put togeth­er an exhib­it of his work and the work of some of the many artists who learned to draw from his books. There’s a dar­ling trail­er for the exhi­bi­tion included.

’til tomor­row my dears,

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