shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: animation (Page 7 of 8)

Morning Linkage (Jun 30)

Transportation and Engineering

Some of these future of trans­porta­tion ideas from Japan, pub­lished in 1936, are nov­el riffs on the com­mon themes. But the two-color illus­tra­tions fea­tur­ing red and a love­ly inky blue-black and spiffy, speedy white wisps are so won­der­ful.

The cru­cial dif­fer­ence between math and engi­neer­ing is decibels.

Art, Design and Architecture

A nifty beer bot­tle meant to have a sec­ond life as build­ing material.

Play­ing with your food has nev­er been quite this sat­is­fy­ing. John Baldessari has built a dig­i­tal DIY still life kit using the ele­ments of Abra­ham van Bey­eren’s orig­i­nal 17th cen­tu­ry paint­ing. Orig­i­nal­ly an instal­la­tion at the Los Ange­les Coun­ty Muse­um of Art, the expe­ri­ence is now avail­able on the web (or your iPhone)


Clay-mation,  sort of  — the title char­ac­ter is a blob of blue clay. Answer­ing the age-old ques­tion what’s the dif­fer­ence between a bank pres­i­dent and a porn star. For all it’s blob­by­ness this is (NSFW.)

What this is doing on a site ded­i­cat­ed to nature pho­tos I do not know. But it’s a total­ly clever ani­mat­ed com­bi­na­tion of memes. Tetris, park­our, duck hunt­ing, and that weird build­ing game. (SFW)

Okay — time to rebuild the office fur­ni­ture (again)

Morning Linkage (Jun 28)


One of the nec­es­sary but con­fus­ing parts of trav­el­ing is fig­ur­ing out the taxi sys­tem in var­i­ous coun­tries. How do I hail a taxi? Do I nego­ti­ate? Do I tip? Is it safe for sin­gle females? What the heck does a taxi look like any­way? In Japan they might just have one of these cute lit­tle signs on top. (Pho­to gallery nav­i­ga­tion challenge.)

Cus­tom scoot­er. No clue. No com­ment. Well, okay, maybe that he should trim the tie-ties. Equal­ly bizarre trans­la­tion of the web­site by Google here.

Pre­vi­ous­ly men­tioned here for a video of a cus­tom bike arriv­ing at a tea cer­e­mo­ny (seri­ous­ly.) This new vid of cus­tom builder Shinya Kimu­ra cap­tures the mood and atti­tude of the builder and his bikes. Pure Mon­day morn­ing inspi­ra­tion. My favorite of his bikes, for the moment. The Bar­racu­da.


Think­ing about air­space and air­space reg­u­la­tions. The  ref­er­enced arti­cle is good. The pro­posed “muse­um” is intriguing.

Map­ping the degree of touristy. No, I did­n’t make that word up, some­one else did. Heat map of photo-tag fre­quen­cy gives you an idea how many cam­era tot­ing dweebs you are like­ly to encounter.

Art, Images, and Design

Tim Flach high­lights the exag­ger­at­ed, almost freak­ish, per­fec­tion of his sub­jects — show dogs, bats, and oth­er ani­mals. Watch the dog walk across the screen and then click on Port­fo­lio. NSFW after image #38.

Cathy Gat­land gives a quick look at the World Cup fever sweep­ing SA with a cou­ple of street cor­ner por­traits.


A nice set of black and white inter­fer­ence illu­sions. Sooth­ing music.

Not real­ly ani­ma­tion but pup­pets. The coarse­ly vio­lent ori­gins of the mup­pets; Hen­son did ads for Wilk­in’s Cof­fee. Poor Won­tkins gets done-in in amaz­ing ways.

Off you go now…

Morning Linkage (May 28)


Your leathers might seem like a good idea for the slip and slide or the big water park rides but… maybe not.  JL proves that remov­ing your pro­tec­tive cloth­ing before jump­ing in that lake might be a good idea. (Gallery at the bot­tom of the page — for giggles)

You can buy a lit­tle gas engine and make a rat­ty old Schwinn look like a rad board-tracker. And get to work for cheap.

I had nev­er heard of the Brock­house Cor­gi. Now that I’ve seen these pic­tures I want one. At least I want the dress.

Society, Culture, and Buildings

Mak­ing yours just a lit­tle big­ger than the oth­er guys has been going on for eons. First it was fire pits and mid­dens, then cathe­drals and cas­tles. Now it’s most­ly office build­ings. Bet­ting on which is the biggest is per­haps a close sec­ond favorite. Do not make bets with black­dog­prod (no rela­tion) about tallest build­ings. He wrote the book, or more exact­ly the Google Earth hack.

Art, Images, and Design

Wait, wait. There was a nation­al sta­tion­ary show? And I missed it? Waaah­h­hh. Pop­pytalk pro­vides a nice run down and hap­pi­ly, for me at least, tons of pic­tures of very well done let­ter­press work.

I espe­cial­ly love these from Iron and Ink.

Bread and cook­ies. Yum­my to eat. And this plas­tic bag design reminds you of that. Love the grin­ny mouth.


Ian Wor­rel’s work is moody and dense. Med­i­ta­tions on con­se­quences and redemp­tion in a few col­ors and sim­ple shapes. Icarus and the Tree Herder (3:17 — Music)( is short­er and sly­er. Sec­ond Wind (6:35 — Music) is longer and makes its more com­plex point slowly.

and you’ve wast­ed anoth­er per­fect­ly good week with…

the mag­pie.

Morning Linkage (May 7)


The Fri­day freaky find. This was spot­ted on eBay and now it lives on pipeburn and per­haps in some­one’s garage. Is it a Nor­ton? A Tri­umph? An ungod­ly mashup? Twin engine goofy­ness.

You know that I love the work of Wrench Mon­kees. So do a lot of oth­er folks and now we’re start­ing to see some very nice builds in the same grit­ty style.

Black and white image of an SS750 engine with­out the side case. This pic is big enough for net­book wall paper. Just sayin’

Society and Culture

Aban­doned places. A Sovi­et mis­sile defense instal­la­tion, even allow­ing for the degra­da­tion of aban­don­ment this must have been a grim place to live and work.

Art, Images, and Design

uhu­ru design in Brook­lyn has brought out a line of fur­ni­ture fea­tur­ing wood tak­en from the Coney Island board­walk. The lounger design is a swoopy delight.

A cou­ple of days ago I men­tioned Lean­dro Caste­lao in a post about rhi­nos. Here’s a look at some more of his work. Robots for T‑shirts.Click around for more goodness.

A sweet Jim Flo­ra illo done for the cov­er of Com­put­er Design some time in the 60s or 70s. Ear­ly geek art!


A dark world and a bright umbrel­la. A well done senior year project from CalArts by philip vose.

week­end ahead, off you go.

Morning Linkage (Apr 5)


Coal gas had a brief appear­ance on the stage of alter­nate fuels in the
mid ‘teens. Here’s a Cam­pi­on (British) made bike with it’s gas bag held proud­ly aloft..

The Boe­ing 787 has flexi-wings. Just how flex­i­ble is demon­strat­ed in
this pic­ture. Take the man’s advice. Click for the full effect.

There’s a slew of news about the Magpul-Ronin in the last week. Rumors
of some sort of lim­it­ed pro­duc­tion run, or maybe a con­ver­sion kit. The
forks are mysterious/kinky and the tank is dull. A cou­ple of nice
gal­leries for your enjoyment.]


Society, Culture, and Literature

The 2010 Hugo Nom­i­nees have been announced. Search for your favorites
or score some new mate­r­i­al for the bed­side table.


Art, Images, and Design

The fruits of your bar­bar­ic pagan rites of spring. Cutest East­er egg art ever.

Opti­mus Prime — cre­at­ed from real car parts, and any­thing else they
could find out back. Awe­some, ready to rule, and for sale. Fashion
Warn­ing: Pink Leg Warmers.

More found object sculp­ture — par­ty cups and plas­tic eat­ing utensils
cre­ate … a drag­on. (Artist’s oth­er work includes nudes — cau­tion on
click through.)

Real­ly nice work with geom­e­try. Dan­ish jew­el­er Teodor Lulchev.

There is some­one who col­lects pic­tures of every­thing. This collection
of images of the aban­doned bicy­cles of NYC is a small treasure.


Excel­lent stop-motion graf­fi­ti ani­ma­tion by Bro­ken Fingaz. Grey scale
+ red, and mad draw­ing skil­lz.  I enjoyed the music; your cube mates
prob­a­bly won’t. (Sound)

yup, it’s that day again — now get out there and make some mayhem,


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