shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: animation (Page 5 of 8)

Morning Linkage (Sep 30)


Prob­a­bly the largest num­ber of GT2000s you’ll ever see together.

The South­siders ride Basque coun­try. Excel­lent pic­to­r­i­al, fab scenery, and a desktop-worthy image of three Com­man­dos.

And a lit­tle wrench­mon­kee love. #24, built for some lucky guy named Mark.


The dire­ness of the need for cof­fee in the morn­ing increas­es with the dis­tance from your home cof­fee pot. Seri­ous Eats pro­vides a list of on-line  resources for find­ing a bet­ter cup of joe than what’s on offer at the break­fast bar in the Hol­i­day Inn. I par­tic­u­lar­ly like Barista Exchange.

The haz­ards of the entre­pre­neur­ial spir­it. Death Buy Lemon­ade. Chuck­ling will begin in 3… 2… (ani­ma­tion)

Art, Images, and Design

A round-up of Roman water works. 15 still stand­ing (more or less) aque­ducts in Europe, North Africa and the Mid­dle East.

Ram­pant con­sumerism gets a design edge. Pan­tone brand­ed (and col­ored) VISA cards. Must have.

You should prob­a­bly save this one up for nap time. Ani­malar­i­um does Night Life.  Hap­py, sleepy crit­ters and the usu­al high standards.

got­ta run… be nice to each oth­er, m’kay?

Morning Linkage (Sep 1)


It’s not a bad look­ing bike — at all. H‑D pitch­es to the young­sters. No blondes allowed?

A bit of French his­to­ry, a pret­ty lady on a bike, and a Comiot tricycle.

Ralph Stead­man illus­trates Hunter Thomp­son on a Ducati. Per­fect match.

The GSX 1100 des­ig­na­tion has been with us for a very long time. This item from the 80’s is one of the rea­sons why.


From WSU. Why the nice guys get vot­ed off the island. Prop­er title of the paper: “The Desire to Expel Unselfish Mem­bers from the Group”. Humans are so weird.


Point and click adven­ture games are always pop­u­lar with the “I don’t wan­na shoot more stuff” crowd. Most­ly they’re based on var­i­ous poly­gon ren­der­ing engines. But Cock­roach is build­ing some thing a lit­tle dif­fer­ent. Clay and actu­al mod­el mak­ing are used to cre­ate stop-motion sequences for The Dream Machine. A haunt­ed apart­ment com­plex… and a game for grown ups. You can play a demo or sign up for the beta test of chap­ter one here.

Art, Images, and Design

I have a new com­ic in the RSS read­er. Try this one with the fly­ing car.

Humans make unin­ten­tion­al art by their actions. A col­lec­tion of pho­tographs of all of the con­tra­band brought in to the USA via Kennedy Inter­na­tion­al Air­port from Nov 16 to Nov 20, 2009.

Food, visu­al puns, and nice­ly done let­ter­press work. Let­ter­form does a series of sweet greet­ing cards.


We wel­come our mys­te­ri­ous cat-head over­lords? Um, demon­ic, ted­dy bears? I have no idea but it’s fun and goes well with too many lattes. (Video 0:57)

snack time!

Morning Linkage (Aug 26)


Kin­da unfin­ished look­ing. The Mer­lin starts with an old flat head and adds a cou­ple of moped parts, some stuff from the back room at the push-bike shop down the street, and bits dent­ed sheet met­al from who knows where. Appeal­ing in its rawness.

What to do with the inevitable rust­ing away of cer­tain bits of that cheap scoot­er you bought. Bob­ber Pass­port. Check out the engraved veloc­i­ty stack. Woo.

If I had a bike this pret­ty I’d let it eat in the kitchen too. Moto Guzzi Airone 250.

Data Geeking

First up — all the Dr Who espisodes and their (approx) place in the time line of the uni­verse. As you’d expect the com­ments are FULL of ran­corous dis­agree­ment and the pick­ing of the tini­est nits. None the less, a prodi­gious feat of data scraping.

Two sets of graph­ics from Phillip Howard at Michi­gan State. The illu­sion of diver­si­ty in food. Soda pop and organ­ics are big busi­ness and the con­sol­i­da­tion of the lit­tle brands under the umbrel­la of the giants con­tin­ues. Soda pop and oth­er bottled/canned drinks. Who owns the organ­ic labels. Buy­ing up the independents.

Art, Images, and Design

Alice Fea­gan — com­mer­cial illus­tra­tion in cut paper, this one for the cov­er of a week­ly food guide … and a pri­vate piece cel­e­brat­ing sum­mer at the lake.

Three new pieces from Alber­to Cer­riteno. That sweet tooth does­n’t look so sweet.

Excerpts from Sir William Hamil­ton’s Campi Phel­graei describ­ing his obser­va­tions of the vol­canic activ­i­ty of Mt. Vesu­vius in the 1760’s and 1770’s. Engrav­ings by Pietro Fabris.

Ani­ma­tion can show us the world from a dif­fer­ent height. Lucille finds her­self over­whelmed by her vis­it to the gui­tar shop.

thurs­day, chick­en for lunch?

Morning Linkage (Aug 19)


I’m at it again with the tiny cus­toms. This non-NA mod­el Hon­da JX110 impress­es with a hand­made muf­fler.

At the oth­er extreme. large, low and very long. An Indi­an with a nod towards the bicy­cles of the 20’s.

The title says it all. Engine Porn. A well done pho­to of the RD33 engine put into such Sovi­et planes as the MiG29.


The Earth and the moon, togeth­er. As seen look­ing back from the Mes­sen­ger spacecraft.


What if GMO plants were used to cre­ate some­thing oth­er than food? Artist David Benque pro­pos­es mod­i­fi­ca­tion and selec­tive breed­ing to add cus­tom acoustics to a forest

More arti­fi­cial sounds — what hap­pens when you slow one of those ter­ri­ble songs by the boy phe­nom Justin Bieber by 800? You end up with some­thing that sounds like a Bri­an Eno air­port expe­ri­ence. But it’s weird­ly soothing.

Art, Images, and Design

Por­to. A col­lec­tion of ran­dom images tak­en by Miss K and pub­lished by the street art blog Stick 2 Target.


Visu­al apho­risms. 3.5 seconds.

Din­ner:  Keep calm and car­ry out

Morning Linkage (Aug 9)


Super­im­posed time-lapse pho­tog­ra­phy. Ston­er does the corkscrew. I’m dizzy.
So here’s the thing. We all know about art cars. (and most of them are sht) But what about art bikes? No past­ed on dolls heads or racks of bub­ble machines here. Just an R‑80 with some excel­lent met­al work and a cou­ple of bits of jet­sam that got caught in the backwash.

H‑D. 883. Details are every­thing. Check the heat shields and the mat­te black fin­ish with the glossy black pin­stripes. Rough Craft out of Tai­wan. Spend some time with their blog as well.

The venue is a toy mod­der’s forum. That’s about all I can tell you oth­er than that this moto toy is six kinds of night­mare induc­ing awe­some.

Art, Images, and Design

Japan­ese posters from the 30’s. Show­ing the influ­ence of both west­ern design and west­ern com­mu­nism in mes­sages for the proletariat.
More posters. The movie genre that brought you Reefer Mad­ness pro­duced 100’s more, equal­ly sala­cious, movies in the 40’s and 50’s. Gold­en Age Comics col­lect­ed the lob­by posters for you. Cat women of the Moon, Juve­nile Jun­gle, and Alimo­ny — gasp. (NSFW — squicky)

Clas­si­cal themes and com­po­si­tions Francois-Emile Bar­raud paint­ed in the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry. An unde­served­ly obscure painter. (NSFW artis­tic nudes)

Book arts and ani­ma­tion. “This is Where We Live” by ATP and Asy­lum Films. Take a walk through a world of books.

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