shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: animation (Page 4 of 8)

Morning Linkage (Nov 3)


(the slight­ly con­fused brand­ing edition)

First a lit­tle some­thing sooth­ing for the mid-week slog. When was the last time you were prop­er­ly enter­tained dur­ing a flight delay, hm? A lit­tle cham­ber music might help the time go by.

Ducati brand­ing reach­es into all the impor­tant parts of your life. Like break­fast. Red is a good col­or for coffee-making equipment.

Strange BMW Thing 1. A scoot­er.  All sorts of fan­cy body-work, some high-tech giz­mos, and tons of fluffy PR. But don’t imag­ine that they aren’t seri­ous about mak­ing a maxi-scooter. The sec­ond video is much more visu­al­ly appeal­ing than the talk­ing PR heads on the first one.

And if the maxi-scooter isn’t enough weird for ya here’s Strange BMW Thing 2.  The Husq­var­na Mille 3 Concept.

Palette cleanser. 1953 BMW R51/3. Bet­ter now?

Cool Machines

What could be bet­ter than machine pr0n? Maybe typo­graph­ic fan­tasies? A touch of lit­er­ary did­dling? How about a trail­er for a movie about the Lino­type machine. Oh god yes, yes, yes…

Art, Images, and Design

Amy was right, I want this cal­en­dar too. Images from ear­ly blues records and sheet music.

I can’t imag­ine how unac­cept­able to OSHA Antho­ny Bur­ril­l’s choice of ink was, but he’s mak­ing a great point. Oil and Water Don’t Mix, a lim­it­ed edi­tion screen print to ben­e­fit Coali­tion to Restore Coastal Louisiana.

Restor­ing the old mas­ters is one of those I‑wish-I-had jobs. An old dark sooty crusty cru­ci­fix turns out to be a bright shiny mas­ter­piece by Giot­to. A small image of the cross before restora­tion is includ­ed in the Cor­riere Del­la Sera article.

A tip-off from a fan of the Mag­pie brought me to Bet­sy Youngquist. Elab­o­rate­ly bead­ed dolls and fig­ures. Sur­re­al, cud­dly and spiny at the same time. Buck Fish is fab.


Prin­ci­pal Skele­ton. The fine art of stu­dent moti­va­tion. Yet anoth­er gig­gle induc­ing grick­le ani­ma­tion. (Gra­ham Annable)

hap­py hump­day — I’m off to get my hair done. It’s hard work being a redhead.

Morning Linkage (Oct 29)


Tiny bikes on the salt at Bon­neville. 61+ mph from 50ccs. Scott Guthrie Rac­ing as it in for the mini-bike crowd. More about Scott Guthrie and his  more con­ven­tion­al LSRs.

Some­times not fix­ing all of the dam­age is the right way to go. This H‑D tank was cleaned up, giv­en a fin­ish sand­ing, and then waxed. The char­ac­ter shines through.

Art, Images, and Design

Pho­tos that are pret­ty at first glance and then they chal­lenge you to see the ugly, and then the beau­ty, and then anoth­er lay­er of ugly… This set is “The Ways of Salt.” Felix Cid.(NSFW- artis­tic nudity)

28 vin­tage man­ga cov­ers. Like you thought this was a new thing?

Most­ly crabs — a few oth­er sea crea­tures with claws. Hap­py pictures.


Adorable, sense­less gore.“Kill Your Cowork­ers” has the robots on parade going a lit­tle hay­wire. Bare­ly col­ored frame­works mean that the fly­ing heads are rough cubes and the blood that flows is kin­da like a water fall of Lego. Cre­ator Mike Win­kle­man has made the C4D files free to the world and eager­ly awaits the twist­ed genius results. (Video 3:04)

Pointless Holiday Picture

I just want to be able to use this pic­ture as the post image for today
Hap­py Hal­loween y’all

Morning Linkage (Oct 25)


Hell for Leather dug in and got the details on the new hel­met design that has been ping-ponging around the inter­net. The tech­ni­cal details of Del Rosar­i­o’s hel­met are a lot more inter­est­ing than the space ranger looks. (Del Rosario home page.)

Anoth­er damned CB450 that I want. Dime City Cycles are evil. This is the one they built for the Dis­cov­ery Chan­nel spe­cial. They have oth­ers

Pho­tographs from the French fac­to­ry of Patrick Godet — where the Egli-Vincent is produced.

More on Godet-Vincent. Is this awe­some ded­i­ca­tion to recre­at­ing an impor­tant piece of bike his­to­ry? Or an attempt to milk a few more dol­lars out of some­one else’s cre­ation? I can’t say.


Oh heav­ens, how won­der­ful. An entire blog of car­toon cook­ing instruc­tions. Eas­i­ly leap­ing over the lan­guage bar­ri­er. Alya Mark is good.

And she’ll show you how to make a cake box out of tag board.


I am not always a fan of the reviews and inter­views at Spike mag­a­zine. But with 600 pages worth to choose from you will prob­a­bly find some­thing  you’d like to read in this col­lec­tion of essays, inter­views, and reviews.

Art, Images, and Design

Kinet­ic paper-works. Mechani­Cards are 3‑D build-it-yourself won­ders. (Or you can buy one already made up — but where’s the fun in that?) The sec­ond print­ing of the rotary engine is sure to sell out quick­ly. So get on with it.

Excel­lent lin­ear illus­tra­tions in pri­ma­ry col­ors. Andrew Paw­ley put new work up on Hire-an-Illustrator. Too many won­der­ful things to choose from. Try these.  Bath­tub, Cos­mo­naut, Oiseau.

Play­ing with Light. Short ani­ma­tion with a real sto­ry. A boy, his robot, and a lit­tle trip out to get sup­plies. Nice sound­track as well. (Video 4:00)

get mov­ing peo­ple, it’s Monday :)

Morning Linkage (Oct 20)


Fea­tured in the most recent issue of Ital­ian Motor Mag­a­zine (which looks like a very worth­while off-line effort.) John W’s Mk 2 Le Man’s based Guzzi cafe rac­er is one of the finest cus­toms that I’ve seen. Fine enough to over­come my dis­like of the all knees and elbows look of the MG engine. And that’s going a ways.

Just the thing for the rut­ted grav­el path out to the back forty. CT90 in OD and kha­ki. Well sort­ed lit­tle thing.

Four fine old Detroit icons. Pen and water­col­or. The out­line draw­ing of the Pon­ti­ac logo is worth the price of admis­sion. Click for embiggens. Wall­pa­per worthy.

Okay — this is just weird. I think it’s a Fairchild J‑44 jet engined trike built by EJ Pot­ter. Read more about the Michi­gan Mad­man at the Knee Slider.


Remem­ber­ing just how pol­lut­ed out night skies are. Com­par­ing the vis­i­bil­i­ty of night sky objects.

With the goal of cre­at­ing a tiny lit­tle sun inside a ware­house in Liv­er­more, the Nation­al Igni­tion Facil­i­ty on both a macro and micro scale. Bonus pic­ture of the Gov­er­na­tor on tour in 2008.

Art, Images, and Design

One of the nicest let­ter­press adver­tis­ing sets I’ve seen. Cranky Press­man sends out a set of 4 Par­li­ment of Owls designed coast­ers with the charm­ing res­i­dents of an imag­i­nary sea­side town. Meet Edna, Mr. Snog­gle­baum, Ade­laide and her pal Mr. Pis­ta­chio, and Cranky him­self. Now I must con­sid­er exact­ly what I want in the way of cus­tom, die-cut, letter-pressed coast­ers for my next social func­tion, hmmmm.

Lost artists. Jos Albert. Umber and grey. Domes­tic scenes and still-lifes, look­ing as if an under-painting was over­laid with graphite and then aban­doned. A slow­er, calmer world than the one we live in.

Cut-out paper ani­ma­tion. The sto­ry of Star Wars told by lit­tle paper peo­ple. (Video/Music 2:41)

Morning Linakge (Oct 4)


Over at WebUr­ban­ist, Steve Lev­en­stein gives us a heav­i­ly illus­trat­ed overview of the con­stant­ly chang­ing art on the cars at the Cadil­lac Ranch. I did­n’t know just how inten­tion­al the invi­ta­tion to pass­ing graf­fi­ti artists was.

Dis­cov­ery­HD brings us a 2 part doc­u­men­tary on the Cafe Rac­er sub-culture. Air­ing Oct 13 and 14. Fire up the Beta­max Ethel.

For all I know this web page is adver­tis­ing bogus “like a tiger” nos­trums. It’s in Japan­ese, I don’t feel like deal­ing with the trans­la­tor. I just want you to see the pic­ture of the 70’s era wall of death rid­ers.

Okay I lied, I did trans­late it and it’s the web page for Din Tai Fung Speed Stunt Troupe. There’s a few more pic­tures here.


The total­ly awe­some adven­ture of two guys, a lit­tle video cam­era, and a heli­um filled weath­er bal­loon. Not quite to infin­i­ty and beyond, but to the edge of space and back.  The footage from the flight will make you feel both small com­pared to the vast­ness just out of our reach and proud to be a mem­ber of such a curi­ous species.

Some­what spe­cial­ized and tech­ni­cal, but of inter­est to the pho­tog­ra­phers and web geeks in the group. Google has pro­posed, demo’d, and open sourced for pub­lic use, the exper­i­men­tal new image com­pres­sion tech­nique WebP as an alter­na­tive to the com­mon­ly used jpeg com­pres­sion tech­niques. Your opin­ion on the qual­i­ty of the com­pressed images?

Art, Images, and Design

A new wall por­trait by Vhils for the Nuart show in Nor­way. Cre­at­ed by cut­ting, (drilling, punch­ing, and pound­ing) into the lay­ers of fin­ish on a wall. More infor­ma­tion on Alexan­dre Far­to (aka Vhils) and more walls.

Object of desire — but unavail­able at this moment. Pint Size has a water bot­tle. Pint size appears — inex­plic­a­bly — in the com­ic Ques­tion­able Content.

Practicality-stretching design exer­cis­es are all over the inter­net. Beds that do origa­mi to hide away dur­ing the day, cof­fee tables with inter­est­ing shapes but no place to put a cup or a mag­a­zine, it’s goes on and on. Most of these exist only in ren­der­ing files but once in a while… A swing set like din­ing table and chairs. Um, no drink­ing at this din­ner par­ty, okay?

Two min­utes of Mon­day humor. If it’s rain­ing on you too this morn­ing I hope you find a big guy with an umbrel­la.  Man­fred. (Ani­ma­tion — 2:00)

keep calm and car­ry on,

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