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Category: reviews (Page 6 of 10)

The Books of November

These are the books that I read in Novem­ber. I intend­ed to read a lot in Novem­ber by not read­ing Face­book at bed­time. But it’s win­ter so most­ly I went to sleep.

Books that I read

Mr. Fox — Helen Oyeyemi (2011)

Con­fus­ing. I love Oyeyemi’s short sto­ries. And I actu­al­ly enjoyed read­ing this book. I just don’t real­ly know what hap­pened in it. There are three char­ac­ters. In some parts of the book the writer (St. John Fox) and his wife (Daphne Fox) are real and the writer’s muse (Mary Foxe) is fig­ment of the writer’s imag­i­na­tion. In oth­er parts of the book the muse is a real woman but the real­ness of the writer and his wife are in ques­tion. Or at least I think that’s what was going on.
I had to go and looked up a bunch of oth­er reviews to try to fig­ure out what I was miss­ing then I read this. There are, it seems, fairy tales (Blue­beard’s Wife in the main) and meta-fictions, and com­men­taries on state of mod­ern (male ori­ent­ed) lit­er­a­ture and it’s rela­tion­ship to the female. And a bunch of oth­er stuff that I man­aged to miss.
I was nev­er sure who the char­ac­ters were, where they were stand­ing, and which worlds were real and which imag­i­nary.  Am I read­ing at the wrong time day to absorb all this? Am I sim­ply an inat­ten­tive read­er? How can I claim to have loved read­ing a book that baf­fled me so thoroughly.
* maybe I’m just weird­ly attuned to qual­i­ty even when I’m not able to track the story *

Woman Hollering Creek — Sandra Cisneros (2013)

A short sto­ry col­lec­tion that touch­es on many of the same themes that Cis­neros has been explor­ing since her first book. Iden­ti­ty is every­thing. For women in par­tic­u­lar, the task of find­ing iden­ti­ty in a world that denies us an iden­ti­ty at the same time that it forces it’s idea of our iden­ti­ty on us can be fraught with con­fu­sions and missteps.
In this col­lec­tion there are very short sto­ries (almost vignettes) that drop us into a sin­gle per­fect­ed moment, as well as much longer pieces that devel­op mul­ti­ple themes. All sto­ries are linked by loca­tion, that area of the southwest/Texas that strad­dles the US-Mexico border.
If you have no Span­ish you might need to run a few things through the Google translator.
* being female is a uni­ver­sal dilemma *

The Whole Town’s Talking — Fanny Flagg (2016)

The Whole Town’s Talk­ing traces the birth, life, and death of a Min­neso­ta town and it’s inhab­i­tants.  Life, death, and the after life — lucky and unlucky in love — the machi­na­tions and com­e­dy of small town life, all of Flag­g’s ele­ments, are here.
The slight­ly kooky but very wise woman who lives alone. The town may­or and his busy­body wife. The young lovers who age as we watch them. The town drunks (female and male). They all play out their parts on the town’s stage as the town itself moves from a farm­ing set­tle­ment in the 1880’s to a pros­per­ous middle-American town in the mid­dle of the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry though it’s pass­ing away in the ear­ly twen­ty first cen­tu­ry as the inter­state and the mall and the big box stores kill off it’s old fash­ioned downtown.
The sto­ry is split between the char­ac­ters liv­ing in the town of Elm­wood, Minn and those same char­ac­ters as they pass from life into the after­life  in the town’s ceme­tery — Still Mead­ows. It turns out that being dead isn’t quite as awful as we might have thought. The dead wake up in the ceme­tery and dis­cov­er that there’s com­pa­ny and con­ver­sa­tion.  It is a bit dull, gos­sip and par­lor games are about the only amuse­ments, but the arrival of a new (dead) per­son in Still Mead­ows is the occa­sion for much excite­ment as the res­i­dents catch up with the news from the out­side world.
I got an odd dis­tanced feel­ing from this book.  We, the read­ers, are in the same posi­tion as the dead at Still Mead­ows, not much hap­pens to us. We just watch the going’s on in a world that we don’t par­tic­i­pate in. Not my favorite Flagg.

* soft­ly lit and com­fort­ably homey, if not full of surprises*

The Books of October

There are not many books of Octo­ber. It’s hav­ing been eat­en alive (as was my brain) by the events sur­round­ing Jim’s knee replacement.

Books that I read:

A House of My Own — Sandra Cisneros (2015)

I read this in bits while wait­ing around in the hos­pi­tal and in the first few days after we got home. It was a good choice. Most of these pieces are the pref­aces (to her own and oth­er books), lec­tures, and oth­er small pub­li­ca­tions that she has amassed over the years. Many of them touch on the ques­tions of what is home and how do we build one and what does mean to have or not to have a home. Home is con­sid­ered as a phys­i­cal space, as well as a set of emo­tion­al con­nec­tions, and the intel­lec­tu­al foun­da­tion of our work.
In one piece she is remem­ber­ing and mourn­ing the love­ly home of a friend in Sara­je­vo. It’s a dia­tribe against war in the form of a touch­ing mem­o­ry of and nos­tal­gia for a friend­ship and the place that evokes that friend­ship. Oth­ers are med­i­ta­tions on var­i­ous authors and artists that have been impor­tant to her work and its devel­op­ment. And some are straight biography.
* With a cou­ple of miss­es this col­lec­tion is worth tak­ing some time to dip into. *

The House on Mango Street — Sandra Cisneros (1991)

Cis­neros’ first and most famous book. I read it when it was pub­lished but I haven’t seen it in years. It was men­tioned to me by a fel­low poet as being an exam­ple of mul­ti­ple prose poetry/narrative/short-short sto­ry bits wrapped up to make a nov­el. A plan that could prof­itably be used by some of my own work. So this began as a study, but I had for­got­ten how heart-felt the book is. It is a book of ado­les­cence, a time that fea­tures so many choic­es and twists and turns of per­son­al­i­ty. Cis­neros man­ages to locate in each char­ac­ter and vignette the ele­ments that are com­mon to all of us.
* trans­gres­sive at pub­li­ca­tion, still insightful *

The Nix — Nathan Hill (2016)

A mon­ster of a book — run­ning more than 600 pages in print. There are so many plot threads that it’s as if the author thought he’d nev­er get anoth­er chance to tell a sto­ry and so he told all the sto­ries in one book. It starts with the pro­tag­o­nist moth­er aban­don­ing the fam­i­ly. The les­son that Faye leaves Samuel with as she departs his life at the age of 11 is that the things that you love the most will hurt you the most.
Sad­ly, I found the adult Samuel who nar­rates the book, (a stalled writer and failed col­lege pro­fes­sor with a com­put­er gam­ing prob­lem) dull as hell. Even the reap­pear­ance of his moth­er does­n’t make Samuel inter­est­ing. The sto­ry that he tells of his ado­les­cence and first love, a per­fect pic­ture of how bro­ken peo­ple infect oth­er peo­ple, is affect­ing. And the sto­ry of his moth­er’s ear­ly life, the secret that she keeps and then leaves Samuel and his father for is like­wise engaging.
But I can’t bring myself to say that I love the whole thing. I would have loved many parts of it as a much short­er sto­ries or a series of novel­las or some­thing that did­n’t sprawl all over the place with a pro­tag­o­nist that I just could­n’t quite sym­pa­thize with.
Sev­er­al review­ers have called the book satir­i­cal. Well, maybe there are a cou­ple of bits are meant to be satire. The pla­gia­riz­ing stu­dent whose schem­ing plagues Samuel and even­tu­al­ly leads to his fir­ing might be satir­i­cal but it’s not clever enough for me to give a damn.
In the end I can only say — if you have patience you should read The Nix for Faye’s sto­ry and the rela­tion­ship between Samuel and his child­hood friend Bish­op (twin broth­er to Samuel’s first love Bethany who remains his ide­al and gets a messy part lat­er in the nov­el) If you’re not feel­ing patient wait per­haps for Mr. Hill’s sec­ond nov­el which like­ly won’t be quite so packed with every damned thing that he could think of.
* all this and the kitchen sink *

The Books of September

Sep­tem­ber — the end of sum­mer — and still busy like sum­mer. A hand­ful of books read but noth­ing in the audio book list. I bought a lot of music this month.

The books I read:

Dogsbody — Diana Wynne Jones (1975/2012)

A pleas­ant young read­ers book. Not near­ly as sim­plis­tic as some of the stuff being churned out today. You’ll have to do some think­ing to fol­low along. It also helps if you know a lit­tle about dogs. The dogs here are very dog­gie, even if the dog at the cen­ter of the sto­ry is actu­al­ly a star that’s been sen­tenced to live a dog’s life on earth until he man­ages a seem­ing­ly impos­si­ble task. The child at the cen­ter, Kath­leen, is a young Irish girl bil­let­ed unhap­pi­ly with her uncle’s fam­i­ly some­where in middle(class) Eng­land. No one is hap­py about the sit­u­a­tion. Kath­leen’s res­cue of a near drowned pup­py only makes the sit­u­a­tion worse.
This is one book that man­ages to vio­late my num­ber rule one about dogs in books (thou shalt not kill the dog) with­out mak­ing me want to throw it across the room. Yes, I just spoiled it for you. Except that the dog does­n’t real­ly “die”, he… well it’s com­pli­cat­ed. Though I have to admit that Kath­leen’s reac­tion at the end of the sto­ry is a lit­tle hard to com­pre­hend. I think it’s just a slight weak­ness in the writ­ing that makes Kath­leen’s reac­tion seem so blank.
Real­ly though, if you need a lit­tle some­thing to kill off an after­noon of couch slouch­ing while slight­ly ill you could­n’t do bet­ter than Dogs­body. (Or almost any Diane Wynn Jones book.)
* All dogs are stars fall­en to Earth *

The Poet, The Lion, Talking Pictures, El Farolito, A Wedding in St. Roch, The Big Box Store, The Warp in the Mirror, Spring, Midnights, Fire & All — C. D. Wright (2016)

Where­in one of the most influ­en­tial poets of the 20th cen­tu­ry and beyond lays out her the­o­ry of poet­ry in a series of prose poems and frag­ments that exam­ine not only her own work and that of her col­lab­o­ra­tions but also the work of a hand­ful of poets who influ­enced her. For a woman who died so sud­den­ly it seems pre­scient that she would have writ­ten a last book that so much serves to indi­cate the way for future read­ers and schol­ars to con­sid­er her work. If you are con­cerned with the poets men­tioned or the act of mak­ing poet­ry it’s a worth­while read. The Ques­tion­naire of Jan­u­ary that ends the work will pro­vide you with a life­time’s worth of inquiries onto the ways and means of mak­ing poet­ry. It also the longest title of any book that I have read. (That does not include titles that use a colon to make two sep­a­rate titles appear as one. Which I con­sid­er cheat­ing in the truest sense.)
* Wright’s Ars Poetica * 

The Lost Art of Dress: The Women Who Once Made America Stylish — Linda Przybyszewski (2014)

What can I say… it’s a his­to­ry, most­ly, of the Home Eco­nom­ics move­ment and the pow­er­ful influ­ence it had in ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry Amer­i­ca seen through the lens­es of a hand­ful of women who taught, wrote, and lec­tured about the art dress­ing well on a rea­son­able bud­get. Here is where I have to admit that I am an absolute suck­er for old Home Ec pam­phlets and such. (Did you know that there is an entire dig­i­tized library of them?) This book is about the women who cre­at­ed them. And I would have loved it for a his­tor­i­cal sur­vey. If the author had left it at that. But it feels as if half the book is tak­en up with her histri­on­ics of the “mod­ern women are shame­less and ill-dressed” type. Yeah, I know — I have some pret­ty dire opin­ions on the mat­ter myself, but I’m not writ­ing a his­to­ry of the women who wrote about and influ­enced the lives of mil­lions of mid­dle and low­er class women in the first half of the 20th century.
I’m glad I read the book, it’s right up in there in one of my favorite guilty plea­sures but I’d have liked it a good deal more if it had stuck to its stat­ed top­ic. If you’re a fan of all things dress and dress­mak­ing you’ll enjoy it. If you look­ing for his­to­ry you’ll find the author’s con­stant inser­tion of her­self and her opin­ions unbear­ably unprofessional.
* Yeah, I’m old enough to have made that apron in Home Ec * 

13 Clocks — James Thurber (Marc Simont — Illustrator) (original 1950)

I like Thurber. There I said it. I like the man with the fun­ny dog car­toons and a lot more. This lit­tle gem of a fairy tale is either a fairy tale or a satire of a fairy tale or some love­ly com­bi­na­tion of the two, con­tain­ing as it does an enchant­ed princess, a brave prince, and evil duke, and some­thing that might be a fairy tale troll, or the weird­est fairy god moth­er ever. What­ev­er it is we are assured that it is the only one of its kind. Full of love­ly mumblety-pumbelty lan­guage that begs to be read out loud.
* Fairy Tales nev­er go out of style * 

Spill, Simmer, Falter, Wither — Sarah Baum (2015)

Two books with dogs in them in one month. That’s just not some­thing that should hap­pen. Two books with dogs in them that I actu­al­ly liked (well maybe not “liked” but appre­ci­at­ed) in one month is a mir­a­cle of some sort. I can’t say I liked this book. Liked would imply that it was a pleas­ant light-hearted read. This isn’t. It is any­thing but hap­py and light-hearted; it’s a dense, beau­ti­ful, lyric, trag­ic thing. In all the mean­ings of trag­ic. The pro­tag­o­nist has a trag­ic flaw that will guide and per­haps ruin his life. So does the dog. It’s odd to think of a dog as a trag­ic hero. But this one is. Per­haps through no fault of his own.
The writ­ing is lyri­cal. In the mode of poet­ry. In fact she uses a num­ber of poet­ic devices. There are many melod­i­cal­ly com­posed sen­tences, vary­ing line length, allit­er­a­tion. I even found pleas­ing exam­ples of slant rhyme. There is also a great appre­ci­a­tion of the nat­ur­al world fil­tered through malaise — is that the word that I want? The pro­tag­o­nist is some how very dam­aged and that dam­age col­ors his inter­ac­tions with the world in a fear­ful and awed way. His rela­tion­ship with the nat­ur­al world is some­thing that he’s build him­self. No one taught him about the birds and the plants that he so admires and that seem to bring him into touch with the only flow of time that he encoun­ters. All the rest of his life is a long, dull, fear-tinged now.

* A chal­leng­ing book to read but reward­ing in so may ways * 

It’s Still a Big Damn Country

Recent­ly I was look­ing for this pic­ture of an art­ful­ly rust­ed steam engine that I took dur­ing a cross-country trip in 2009.

not restorable

Por­tion of the Engines for the Wake Robin.

Rather than dig through the many thou­sands of pho­tographs on the back-up serv­er, I searched through the series of blog entries titled It’s a Big Dam Coun­try that I wrote while on that road trip. When I began that trip I was run­ning very hard, and very fast, and very much away. I was run­ning from myself and my itch­ing demons. I was run­ning on pro­fes­sion­al advice. I was mak­ing no progress while stand­ing in the mid­dle of the smok­ing crater that I had made of my life. My ther­a­pist — against all the rules of ther­a­py — actu­al­ly sug­gest­ed that I go ahead and run for a while, to see what it felt like to move again. So I did. I packed up my lit­tle blue car with a hand­ful of road snacks, my spe­cial pil­low, and every scrap of cam­era gear that I owned, then set out on the finest fool’s errand I could con­jure: To attend the grad­u­a­tion par­ty of my old­est niece two weeks hence in the city of Pitts­burgh and along the way to take as many pic­tures of as many dams as I could find. Con­tin­ue reading

The Books of July

July was a thin month for books. I had a week in Port Townsend for the Cen­trum writer’s con­fer­ence and some per­son­al issues to attend to. But I did get through a few things.

Books I Read:

The Hatred of Poetry — Ben Lerner (2016)

The most often quot­ed bit in the reviews of this book begins: ‘Many more peo­ple agree they hate poet­ry’ Ben Lern­er writes, ‘than can agree what poet­ry is.’
Lern­er goes on to read the prob­lem of poet­ry in neo-platonic terms. That poet­ry is always bound to fail because we are for­ev­er com­par­ing a writ­ten piece of poet­ry to some Ide­al that we hold. He goes on to par­tial­ly dis­man­tle this Ide­al by con­sid­er­ing the prob­lems of how we have set up the Ide­al in a world in which the Ide­al is nev­er has nev­er existed.
It takes about 2 hours to read this — and at $8.50 its over-priced for some­thing that runs less than a 100 pages. (List price is $12.) I’m not sor­ry that I bought it and cer­tain­ly not sor­ry that I read it. But I’m also not sure that I got my mon­ey’s worth. Must be the phi­los­o­phy degree that snuck up behind me and said “That’s just the Pla­ton­ic Ide­al and as an epis­te­mol­o­gy it’s pret­ty sim­plis­tic, sure­ly poet­ry is more com­plex that that.”
* Sur­pris­ing return to my orig­i­nal course of study *

Bukowski in a Sundress — Kim Addonizio (2016)

I was hop­ing to real­ly like this book of essays. There are a cou­ple — par­tic­u­lar­ly those that involve the end of her moth­er’s life — that strike me as deeply felt and filled with the great ambiva­lence that so many of us feel toward our moth­ers as we close in on the age that they were when we first knew them adult-to-adult and they con­tin­ue to advance into the future ahead of us.  Many of the oth­er essays are sim­ply about behav­ing bad­ly into your mid­dle age and don’t speak to me. I gave up eat­ing, drink­ing, and fuck­ing like one of the boys a long time ago.
Any­way. It has­n’t changed may opin­ion of her poet­ry, which I’ve always liked. Go read that if you want to see how well Kim can write.
* Maybe not worth the price of admis­sion for most of my readers. *

The Fran Leibowitz Reader — Fran Leibowitz (1994)

Fran holds up fair­ly well even though most of these pieces were writ­ten decades ago. Her cur­mud­geon­ly dis­re­gard for the niceties of soci­ety are uni­ver­sal and eter­nal. Chil­dren are still too often seen and heard in places that ought to be the province of adults. Smok­ing is still one of the joys of adult­hood — though I gave it up 10 years ago. A few of these essays are hope­less­ly dat­ed, but some stand up to the pas­sage of time even when the top­ic under dis­cus­sion is no longer in exis­tence. For exam­ple: How to be a Direc­to­ry Ser­vice. We may not have Direc­to­ry Assis­tance any more but we have Cus­tomer Sup­port call cen­ters and the lessons for the tru­ly gift­ed sup­port staff are the same.
* clas­sics of snark * 

Nightmare Stacks — Charles Stross (2016)

Each sto­ry in the Laun­dry Files series has upped the ante and the lev­el of hor­ror and the lev­el of threat. Until at this point it’s near­ly impos­si­ble to top the pre­vi­ous act. Giv­en Mr Stross’s pen­chant for burn­ing down the build­ing at the end of each book, just before the hero man­ages to save earth but bare­ly, there are not a lot of build­ings left. Alex (the genius mathematician/vampire) and Peter (the apoc­a­lyp­ti­cal­ly savvy vic­ar) are sent to Leeds. Because where else would the apoc­a­lypse hap­pen? The sto­ry goes on to become most­ly a satire with a twist of the goth girl/vampire urban romance. Except that there are, of course, ancient and vicious beings intent of destroy­ing the earth and enslav­ing it’s pop­u­la­tion. I gave up — it’s just too much of much­ness with the pre­vi­ous incar­na­tions. Once upon a time… know­ing that a book would deliv­ery the same sort of sto­ry and the same sort of char­ac­ters doing the same sorts of things with the same lev­el of humor appealed to me. (Ter­ry Pratch­ett, Piers Antho­ny, Spi­der Robin­son, et al) but late­ly I’ve begun to find it less enchanting.
* still a good yarn, but the same col­or as the last one * 

Books I Listened to:

Pride and Prejudice — Jane Austen (1813/2015)

When I read this in high school I just did­n’t under­stand it. But now, oh my god, the car­i­ca­tures are price­less pieces of work. This ver­sion is nar­rat­ed by Rosamund Pike and her voic­es are dead­pan and reveal­ing, each one appro­pri­ate to the char­ac­ter. Even her Mr. Dar­cy is near to per­fec­tion; com­ing off as both proud and shy. The shy part being the one that most inter­preters of the role don’t convey.
* Maybe I now get the appeal of Austen? *

I also con­tin­ued to lis­ten to Sher­lock Holmes. It goes on forever…

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