Caren Alpert takes pho­tographs of food through a microscope.

Here for exam­ple is a pineap­ple leaf.

Caren Alpert's image of a pineapple leaf

pineap­ple leaf detail

Many more includ­ing sprin­kles, a spooky sun-dried toma­to, and choco­late cake.

via: fea­ture shoot



Bel­gian ads advis­ing you to “Take the Bus” done for the bus com­pa­ny De Lijn. Pro­duced by Cre­ative Con­spir­a­cy for the Duval Guil­laume agency.



via: Paper­Walk­er (which you should look at just for the head­er art)



Cheeky smile of the day: Mr. McQueen’s Licence Inter­na­tionale de Con­duire. Tri­als and Scrambles.

McQueen's Int'l License

would you trust this man with your motorcycle?


via: Gun­slinger
