
Tamyia cat­a­logs of the 80’s and 90’s and 00’s. For the mod­el builders out there.

A hand­ful of the first “offi­cial” pic­tures of the Vyrus. Click for embiggen.

Anoth­er Tri­umph, this time a Rock­et III built over by SE Service.
Click through for video with nar­ra­tion in Ger­man and not quite enough
actu­al bike footage to make it the fea­tured link.



7 min­utes of video shot on San Fran­sis­co’s Mar­ket Street in 1905. The
view toward the Fer­ry Build­ing as it appeared before the great
earth­quake. (Sound — but nice music)



Nation­al Geo­graph­ic has pub­lished an elec­tron­ic ver­sion of the
com­plete Nation­al Geo­graph­ic. In addi­tion the edi­tor’s have cho­sen 50
of their favorite cov­ers to fea­ture on the website.

Every­body loves robots. How about a smart phone controllable,
skate­board­ing, danc­ing, shuf­fling robot?


Art Image and Design

Do you know about the Flickr Com­mons? A place for the GLAM crowd
(gal­leries, libraries, archives, and muse­ums) to put images for the
use and reuse of the public.

Hairy Green Eye­ball brings you William Steig. The quin­tes­sen­tial New
York­er cartoonist.

These hand blown glass robots are way too friend­ly look­ing to be
threat­en­ing. They have some real­ly cool snail friends lit­tle further
down the page.

Late last year I point­ed to some stills from this wit­ty, meandering,
ani­mat­ed look at some accounts of life on oth­er plan­ets. Mars and
— Dis­ney 1957. (sound, quick time — worth it)

Take your Mon­day a few min­utes at a time my dears,