shiny things in messy little piles

Month: February 2010 (Page 2 of 4)

Morning Likage (Feb 18)


This is right and wrong in so many ways. Live action ani­me with an ice vil­lain and a super hero who trans­forms into a motor­cy­cle. Your patience will be reward­ed at 1:54 but no skip­ping ahead or you’ll miss much of the cheezy good­ness. (Video-Sound)

Why do Hon­da CBs make the best cus­tom cafe rac­ers? Here’s White­house­’s CB750. Click through to the Japan­ese web­sites for more eye candy.



There was a time when sci­ence was open to ded­i­cat­ed enthu­si­asts and those who had oth­er oblig­a­tions. Sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tions to the study of marine biol­o­gy in Japan were made by the Emperor.

I love cook­ies. You’ll love this huge col­lec­tion of sci­ence themed cook­ies too.


Art, Images, and Design

Wel­com­ing the Year of the Tiger. A col­lec­tion of pho­tographs from the Big Picture.

And in hon­or of the year of the tiger. The win­ner of the 39th Nation­al Wildlife pho­to con­test (mam­mals, ama­teur) is a tiger pho­tographed by Sub­harghya Das. The com­plete set of winnners in all cat­e­gories is here.

Russ­ian Con­struc­tivist N.P. Aki­mov did many posters for the­aters. This col­lec­tion scanned from a 1963 book shows some of his best work.

Nice Mar­di Gras reminder from Stink­fish on a  wall in Bogata.

Using old books are sketch books isn’t new. But I haven’t seen a set that so sen­si­tive­ly incor­po­rates the text block into the sketch before. Simon­et­ta Capec­chi from Naples.

Just in case you need even more to look at, WebUr­ban­ist has a round up post of Dig­i­tal Artists new to them. Nice­ly diverse. You’re bound to find some­thing you like here.

Morning Linkage (Feb 17)


Spon­sored by Hess Marine at the time, this very nice Ducati Diana. Click through to the Hess Marine site for a bitchin’ col­lec­tion of their employ­ee’s hob­bies and oth­er spon­sored racers.

Just for the sighs. 1957 Nor­ton Manx.

In the news:

Pro­mo for the TTXGP series, all the tracks, all the dates. Get your tick­ets soon.

Dan­i­ca goes NASCAR spon­sored by Hot Wheels. Bet­ter yet she helped design her very own hot wheels car — the Danicar.


Science and Tech

Fly­ing drag­ons. Maybe 1/10 scale. Beau­ti­ful fairy tale crea­tures in reality.

A new “skin” for hel­mets. Slop­py and mobile it helps to pre­vent twist­ing forces from being trans­ferred from the pave­ment to the hel­met. Kin­da cool, but real­ly creepy.


Art, Images, and Design

Alien Queen. In recy­cled met­al. We’ll need a big­ger din­ing room.

Damien Kamholtz builds dream­like images of chil­dren and their par­tic­u­lar­ly not quite real view of the world with lay­ers of wash and glazes. (PS This is the way to use flash on a port­fo­lio site.)

The fate of comics in the new elec­tron­ic age is a well beat­en dead horse. Here’s what I want to see, the sub­scrip­tion mod­el in a use­ful for­mat. Biz­zaro iPhone app.

From We Buy Your Kids. Stills for the up com­ing Moon Riv­er music video. I love WBYK’s work, but I don’t like most of the music/musicians they work for. This one I should like.

Dai­ly video. Fran­coise Mouly, art direc­tor for the New York­er, dis­cuss­es the process of build­ing the spe­cial three part “multi-cover” for the mon­ey issue.

keep calm and car­ry on,

Yes­ter­day was the Apoc­a­lypse. Today we have a seri­ous problem.

Morning Linkage (Feb 15)


Speak­ing TW200s. Here’s a cute lit­tle run-about with the best farkle yet, a surf­board rack.

Anoth­er sweet (not so) lit­tle bike. Must be util­i­tar­i­an Mon­day around here. CB750.


Science and Technology

Google is launch­ing anoth­er sal­vo in their pre­emp­tive war on ISPs, this YouTube speed tester. I haven’t been able to find a good enough expla­na­tion of the terms “Your Loca­tion” and “Your ISP” to be cer­tain what the num­bers mean for our sad lit­tle rur­al stub of the infor­ma­tion super­high­way. What do your num­bers say?


Art, Image, and Design

Drainspot­ting. Infra­struc­ture art. Man­hole cov­ers in Japan are not just func­tion­al they are often col­or­ful. A soon to be released book and a com­pan­ion website.

Also from Japan, Green­Mark­ers. The site is entire­ly in Japan­ese but you don’t need to be able to read the text to be able to fol­low the path from the image of a field of grass through the pro­to­type to pack­aged prod­uct. Best book­marks yet.

From the 50’s, anoth­er bebop­pin’ illus­tra­tor David Wei­d­man. I’ve added the new ret­ro­spec­tive of his work from Ginko Press to my wish list.

Mod­i­fiers, a 12 minute pilot for an ani­mat­ed series from two of the peo­ple behind both Ren&Stimpy and the Pow­er­puff Girls. Nick­elodeon is stu­pid. (Video — Sound)

To infin­i­ty and beyond… meh, maybe just the gym.

Morning Linkage (Feb 12)


In hon­or of the Ice­holes hav­ing * all * made it across the bor­der. Piag­gio Ape rac­ing. The mad­ness nev­er stops.

The 1955 Ariel offer­ing. “The only four cylin­der motor­cy­cle you can buy in Amer­i­ca.” Moto jour­nal­ist hyper­bole is not new.  Click to en-biggen.

Indus­try news, changes in own­er­ship and man­age­ment at KTM and Mis­sion Motors. I’m impressed that the lessons of the auto indus­try fail­ure are being heed­ed. Whether these new direc­tions are the best choic­es or not remains to be seen but at least they’re not repeat­ing the mis­takes of others.


Society and Culture

This Record­ing is a source of good mid-afternoon reads. Lit­er­ary and social obser­va­tions. Here the Ital­ian poet and thinker Cesare Pavese’s diary entries for the year 1950. He’s not an opti­mist, but he observes closely.

The head­line “Kirkus Gets a New Own­er — from the NBA” sent chills down my librar­i­an spine. The long stand­ing pub­li­ca­tion which pre­views upcom­ing book releas­es had failed and was up for sale. It’s pur­chase by a bas­ket­ball team own­er was a fright­en­ing prospect. Until you read the arti­cle and the quotes from Mr. Simon and his cho­sen chief exec­u­tive Mr. Win­kle­man. There is hope for the world of letters.


Technology, Architecture

Air brakes and oth­er pas­sive safe­ty mech­a­nisms are explained. And the intrigu­ing ques­tion is asked. Can pas­sive safe­ty be a use­ful par­a­digm for soft­ware design? Discuss.

Wicked­ly cool pre­fab hous­ing that is dis­as­ter resis­tant and goes up in two days. The ulti­mate coastal storm watch­ing outpost?


Art, Images, and Design

Prints avail­able from Moto­Clas­sique. Includ­ing the won­der­ful Geo Ham “At Speed” of  Farnsworth’s speed attempt on his Brough-Superior.

Aston­ish­ing paper sculp­tures by Anna-Wili High­field. Raggedy birds in flight.

Myth­ic crea­tures from Seat­tle based Stacey Rozich. She is hang­ing her work at Dolce Vita right now. Open­ing tomor­row night. Per­haps a lit­tle sup­port for local art is in the future. (I’m not out of walls yet!)

Beau­ti­ful recon­tex­tu­al­iza­tion of clas­sic art on the walls of Paris. Zil­da once again pro­vides an argu­ment against blan­ket graf­fi­ti erad­i­ca­tion pro­grams. (NSFW clas­sic nudes)

Mar­tin Whit­ford’s series of paint­ings “Tem­pest”. Is this the new vision of the chaos of the end of times?

and that’s it for this week. see you on Monday.

Morning Linkage (Feb 11)


The lit­tle Hon­da RC125 is an instant walk down nos­tal­gia lane for many folks. Here’s a pho­to of a fine repli­ca and links to a bunch more fan sites.

Moto-porn and camera-porn in one go. Mak­ing of… videos for two recent Ducati ads (super­bike and hyper­mo­trad.) And can I just men­tion that not all bike video sound tracks have to suck. Ducati gets it right. (Sound)

Maybe I should­n’t post this… but you all are grown ups (kin­da). Julian Dupont does com­muter tri­als in Mex­i­co City. Rid­ing starts about 1 min in.  Note to P.Bear, BBQ Slay­er, and a few oth­ers — No, I will not come bail your butt out of jail.
(Sound, bikes and music)


Society and Culture

Excerpts from a book review for Asy­lum. The review­er pro­vides a glimpse at the utopi­an vision of the cre­ators of state and pri­vate insti­tu­tions for the insane. I am par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ed in track­ing down the intro­duc­tion by Oliv­er Sacks. Images from the book itself are avail­able through the link.

Brand new and unproven but intrigu­ing. The Web Trends Machine brings you TPUTH. Top tech sto­ries reduced to bad head­lines with links to source mate­r­i­al. “What’s hot in Google Read­er” for smart ass­es. So far the links have been worth explor­ing. Try it your­self and let us know what you think.


Art, Images, Design

More rac­ing ani­ma­tion. Sick, but what do you expect from Cyanide and Happiness.

Fab­u­lous­ly organ­ic door bell but­ton sur­rounds by the Nou­veau mas­ter Rene Binet. So many oppor­tu­ni­ties for beau­ty have gone out of our lives.

Ener­getic, opti­mistic, col­or­ful, and occa­sion­al­ly baf­fling. Pre-WWII indus­tri­al exhi­bi­tion posters from Japan.

From the Roy­al Gar­dens at Kew via the Smith­son­ian. Exquis­ite pho­tographs of car­niv­o­rous plants. So pret­ty and bright green they make a good anti­dote to the gray of a North­west February,

One more day to go my freaky darlings,

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