
Repli­cas are one way to move bikes in a reces­sion. Spies fans can hop
a plane to the UK for this one.

A new trend in adver­tis­ing, iPhone apps. Used some­what effec­tive­ly to
adver­tise the new VW Scirocco.I have no idea if you get the Wagner
sound track to go with the game but it’s a dri­vable Nur­bur­gring for
the iPhone.  (And you all were won­der­ing why I’d give in.…)

I prob­a­bly won’t shell out the cash for Gran Tur­is­mo 5, but I know
enough peo­ple who will that I should get at least one chance to drive
the in-game M‑B SLS AMG gull­wing.

On a more respon­si­ble note. Mak­ing pub­lic trans­porta­tion more
inter­est­ing with cool bus stops. Why so much fruit?



Pro­jec­tor TV and remote sen­sor tech meets pool table. Visu­als that
react to the balls in play. Expen­sive­ly installed in the Esquire
Ulti­mate Bach­e­lor Pad, which gives you some idea of the amount of
class attached to the graph­ics being pro­ject­ed. SFW



Last Fri­day was Park­ing Day. Some pics from around the coun­try. I am
as baf­fled as the poster as to what the pyra­mid of bowl­ing balls was
try­ing to indicate.


Art, Images, and Illustration

Low 3‑D is a use­ful term for not-quite sculp­tures that hang on a wall.
Mered­ith Dittmar’s box­es are invit­ing. (Click through to her website
for more chal­leng­ing images.)

Detailed, sub­ver­sive black & white line draw­ings framed in letter
forms. Oleg Medvedev is from, and com­ments on, Moscow.

More black & white from east­ern Europe. Ele­na Asi­ma’s anthro­po­mor­phic
have the feel of hal­lu­ci­na­to­ry etchings.

This is more of a com­ment on street artist wanna-bes than the
ubiq­ui­tous IKEA flat pack. Banksy par­o­dies him­self, his fellow
artists, and their sud­den (?) legitimacy.

Toot­ing his own horn but not unrea­son­ably, Brett Polok shows us a few
of his lat­est paint­ings. Com­ic books, sten­cils, graf­fi­ti. There’s a
lot of sim­i­lar out recent­ly. This is the way it should be done.

The Com­ing Alien Invasion

The New York­er gives us our com­ing alien over­lords. They think our TV
sucks too. Oh and they don’t want our pre­cious… gravel.

mean­while I shall return to the cru­cial con­sid­er­a­tion of exact­ly what
shade of pur­ple to had added to my hair this time…
