
From old­est to newest:

Two love­ly ladies set­ting out for a spin.  I think is staged (the bike is lean­ing against a wall and both girls are side-saddle.) None-the-less it’s going into my rota­tion of motor­cy­cle wallpapers.

In hon­or of a lot of things includ­ing a motor­cy­cle, a watch, and one of the Great­est Movies of All Time. A Heuer liv­er­ied Bon­neville. It lacks only Steve McQueen to make it the sex­i­est thing I have seen in a decade.

From about the same time, a Dor­mo­bile Camper Van. Adorably dorky.

Fur­tur­is­tic. A design for a fuel-cell pow­ered scooter/bike hybrid with car­go capac­i­ty. The trick with the han­dle­bars that con­vert from up-right scoot­er to more lay-down bike pro­file is par­tic­u­lar­ly clever. Cute, but it’ll be  along time before this replaces the Hon­da Car­go as the intra-urban stuff hauler of the 2nd and 3rd world.



Anoth­er in the series — Geez, We Live on a Pret­ty Plan­et. A set of space shots of tiny islands.


Tech and Society

Google has a new, most­ly unre­port­ed, tool. The Google Dash­board lets you look at all of the ser­vices asso­ci­at­ed with your gmail account. It’s aim is to give you one place to check to see what you are and are not reveal­ing to the world about your use of gmail, picasa, google docs, etc. Check your account. You may dis­cov­er, as I did, that you have accounts with ser­vices that you don’t remem­ber sign­ing up for. (Google docs? I own doc­u­ments on Google Docs? Huh?)


Images, Design, Animation

You all know that I am all about the shoes. I wish I had had room in my lug­gage on my recent trip to Mex­i­co for  Dia de los Muer­tos to haul along a pair of the Ladies Mue­tre Plat­forms. (Sec­ond row, far left). Zom­bie stom­pers indeed.

The last time I lived in a tru­ly tiny space was in a dorm room in col­lege. We con­served space with jury rigged bunk beds built on top of milk crates stacked to the ceil­ing. The con­vert­ible beds fea­tured here are so much more attrac­tive and prob­a­bly less prone to cat­a­stroph­ic fail­ure under heavy use.

In 2004 a group of artists pro­duced a dig­i­tal loop­ing col­lab­o­ra­tive piece called ZOOMQUILT. It is a ton of fun to play with. Be patient with the load time. It’s worth it.

This year anoth­er group made a sim­i­lar piece called ZOOMQUILTII. The art is of the same high qual­i­ty but the inter­face is god awful. Sigh. Some­times old-skewl real­ly is best.

Three fine, very dif­fer­ent illus­tra­tors this morning:

Prop4g4nda4 takes a riff on the Sovi­et Era to pro­duce con­cert  posters. These are so far beyond the stuff stuck to the pow­er poles around town.

Jeff Mira­co­la had dropped off my radar until he post­ed about hav­ing a piece includ­ed in the recent issue of Spec­trum. A quick look at the front page of his site remind­ed me why I’d added him to list of artists to keep track of. Also he might get the week­ly award for rea­son­able and attrac­tive use of flash. I love the con­stant­ly chang­ing head­er art.

Flo­ra Chang’s Hap­py Doo­dle Land is a good place to spend a cou­ple of min­utes on Mon­day morning.

Here is a ani­mat­ed teas­er for a French car­toon that is still look­ing for pro­duc­tion and broad­cast deals. Sweet, yes, but so far from sac­cha­rine.  If I owed a pro­duc­tion company…

Here’s hop­ing this is the start of a fab­u­lous week.
