shiny things in messy little piles

Month: December 2009 (Page 2 of 2)

Morning Linkage (Dec 10)


I adore the rear fend­er on this Bon­neville cus­tom. New builder too, hmmm.

Mad Max, 1979. I only kind of got the bike thing back then; I wanted
the black inter­cep­tor. Lots of peo­ple loved the bikes. Espe­cial­ly
Goose’s police bike, liked it enough to build repli­cas. Lots of them.
A sum­ma­ry and a bunch of pointers.

A word of warn­ing for those liv­ing a lit­tle south of the hooved rat
zone. Any­one here hit a pen­guin?



Exploit­ing the exist­ing nature of your mate­ri­als is a hall­mark of
con­sid­ered design. Here wine bar­rels are recy­cled into stools. Not at
all what you’re expecting.

NMS. Nature Match­ing Sys­tem. A pub­lic art project and a palette based
on pro­duce. Food through anoth­er lens. There’s not a col­or here that
would­n’t be nice on your walls.

I’ve post­ed the occa­sion­al point­er to cool ship­ping con­tain­er reuses.
WebUr­ban­ist has a round up of 20 such. Hours of brows­ing and

Sug­ar is good! Just ask Mary. Watusi, favorite word of the day.


Art, Image, Illustration

How can run­ning out of gas be so roman­tic? Jonathan Vin­er’s lovely
Noble Pur­suit. (It’s worth click­ing through to his full — flash -

I’m going to spend more time look­ing at Patrick Hoel­ck­’s por­traits.  A
selec­tion on Mod­ern Met high­lights his use of dark, inky shad­ows.

The full set of por­traits and much, much more on his port­fo­lio site.

Let­ter press trad­ing cards. The seal is for marks­man­ship and the
goril­la is for sand rac­ing. It’s about a cat. (hint: card #7)

Off you go my dears, play nice­ly with one anoth­er today.

Morning Linkage (Dec 7)


Amer­i­can Motor Drome and the Wall of Death. And a woman named Sam who rides a ’31 Indian.

Hit­ting the pages of the WSJ means some­thing. In this case that motor­cy­cles have blipped the radar of the rich and love­ly. A cou­ple of nice pics and some commentary.

BMW goes with black and white graph­ics and a splash of red to pro­mote the S1000RR. The design­er has­n’t a clue. To wit: “We want­ed to avoid the typ­i­cal man­ga style, as it wasn’t aggres­sive enough to por­tray the per­son­al­i­ty of the S1000RR.” Not sure how such nice work could have come from some­one with such a lim­it­ed knowl­edge of the work of so many tal­ent­ed man­ga illustrators.

Kimi Raikko­nen has one foot in the door of the WRC. ’nuff said.


Society and Tech, Culture

The ACTA treaty is shap­ing up (in the dark…) to be a mon­u­men­tal dis­as­ter for artis­tic and tech­ni­cal inno­va­tion. No doubt the US big con­tent and their lack­eys the US gov­’t are right to fear sunlight.

And they’re doing it at the behest of scum like these record com­pa­nies who dai­ly rip off artists under the exist­ing sys­tem. Pro­tect­ing whom?

If you found fun­ny tan­gles in your horse’s mane and tail recent­ly you might want to start a neigh­bor­hood witch hunt. But most­ly the My Lit­tle Pony pic is adorable.


Images, Illustration Photography

Jean-Jacques Sem­pé pro­vid­ed cov­ers and car­toons for the New York­er mag­a­zine dur­ing it’s glo­ry days. A gallery in Paris brings togeth­er 48 of them.

Love­ly sketch and expla­na­tion of the infor­mal traf­fic code that allows so many cars to share so many nar­row roads and alleys in Korea.

A mar­velous­ly sur­re­al build­ing wall in Rot­ter­dam by Brazil­ian Dalata

Ben­ja Har­ney makes paper art for adver­tis­ing and edi­to­ri­als. These wings became part of a Her­mes Christ­mas win­dow dis­play. Lots more work on his blog.

Anoth­er Her­mes win­dow dis­play. A video image of an actress blows on the real scarf which gen­tly sways. The illu­sion is lovely.

I’m sav­ing up my quar­ters for a 50mm lens that I can crank all the way up (down?) to 1.4f, This col­lec­tion of images shows why I’ve got glass lust. (SFW)

Hap­py very chilly Mon­day my dears.

Morning Linkage (Dec 4)



Motocross­er with sad­dle bags? Real­ly con­fus­ing, and cool at the same time . Watch the video, but turn the sound waaay down first.

Because I love you all so very much and you should all be as hap­py as the com­muters in this 1958 Dis­ney vision of the future of trans­porta­tion. Really.



Ted­ders sent this one over. The back­lash against over parenting.

Mod­ern pira­cy is a busi­ness. Now with it’s own man­aged risk invest­ment pools.

Rinder­pest isn’t some­thing that has ever made the head­lines in the USA. A cat­tle dis­ease relat­ed to measles (weird huh?) kills wide­ly and quick­ly. Make that killed. Rinder­pest is set to become only the sec­ond dis­ease to be erad­i­cat­ed by human effort.



Cool clock and the kit/instructions for mak­ing same.  Tell time with the shad­ows cre­at­ed by a cen­ter pin and LEDs. Come on y’all, Christ­mas break is com­ing up and you know you need projects.

More cool. Salt and pep­per shak­ers that will not bore you or make any­one squeee.

Sto­ry cards. Low tech sto­ry telling. Calvi­no’s Cas­tle of Crossed Des­tinies for the 2+ crowd.


Art and Images.

Last week was Thanks­giv­ing and the Macy’s parade. Here are a cou­ple of quick sketch­es done the day before as the bal­loons were being prepped.

Will Einser, one of the great ones. Gold­en Age Com­ic Book Sto­ries brings a col­lec­tion of “splash” pages to the front line.



Wool­worth was nev­er real­ly cool. But they sure tried hard. The 1971 LP sale, as seen on TV.

Morning Linkage (Dec 2)


There’s a cou­ple too many tar­ty bits and he should have tak­en the pas­sen­ger pegs off, but this is my fav Bon­neville treat­ment to date. There’s a good pic­ture, some info on the Bel­la­Corse site (last entry), and a few more details scrounged up by MCN.

The ulti­mate in bike mount­ed cam­eras. This is how they get those close-up at-speed asphalt shots.

Tem­pest in a teapot or egre­gious theft of ideas? FIM now has it’s own elec­tric bike rac­ing series. Did they steal it from TTXGP?


Technology — Security

Who is respon­si­ble for the safe­ty of your cred­it card data as it trav­els through the labyrinth from card swipe to your month­ly bill? Sev­er­al restau­rants that lost a bun­dle of cash due to the inad­e­quate secu­ri­ty of their POS sys­tem would like the sys­tem cre­ators to be held respon­si­ble for their blunders.

The tel­cos, Sprint in par­tic­u­lar, are mak­ing it triv­ial for LEOs to look up your loca­tion data as pro­vid­ed by your cell phone. No war­rant required, no over­sight pro­vid­ed. It’s start­ing to hit some of the blogs and the top­ic may take off lat­er this week. This is the orig­i­nal research by Christo­pher Soghoian.

Miss­ing limbs are being replaced by increas­ing­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed pros­thet­ics. A look at the past, present, and future tech­nol­o­gy of arti­fi­cial limbs. I think the pic­tures are beau­ti­ful, your tol­er­ance for images of com­bin­ing of human and machine may differ.



The British Roy­al Soci­ety released full scans of 60 sem­i­nal sci­en­tif­ic papers. Includ­ing the 1671: “A Let­ter of Mr. Isaac New­ton, Pro­fes­sor of the Math­e­mat­icks in the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cam­bridge; Con­tain­ing His New The­o­ry about Light and Col­ors” and Edward Bullard’s 1965 “The Fit of the Con­ti­nents Around the Atlantic” which pro­vid­ed a cru­cial boost to the the­o­ry of plate tec­ton­ics. Wired Sci­ence dis­cussed these and oth­ers and pro­vides a link to the full set.


Art, Images, and Design

I will pay (in cook­ies) some­one to make me a good sized vec­tor ver­sion of the logo on this oth­er­wise hideous car.

These char­ac­ters and their ram­bling back sto­ry weird me out in a hap­py way.

These cheap chic graph­ics by Chris­tine Cel­ic for Mud­slinger Cof­fee in Greenville NC are rockin’.

Yeah, I know you all hate twit­ter. But if you got­ta go there I sug­gest one of these clever avatars from Adam Kor­ford. I’m torn between the Wild Things mon­ster and Linus with his blanket.

Turk­ish beer cans turned into fab sculp­tures includ­ing a moto.

Rusty robots. Detail shots and the place to buy.

Drac­u­la cha-cha. I kid you not.

More tomor­row dearies.

Morning Linkage (Dec 1)


Mys­tery bike on eBay. Com­bined Design Guzzi G7 Sport. Red is the best col­or for pret­ty things.

Hell for Leather brings us a hand­ful of pho­tographs from the Red Bull Los Andes 2009.


Art, Images, Animation

Steve McQueen. At the begin­ning of his career, when his bat­tle was with the world and not his Hol­ly­wood han­dlers. What can I say?

Stop motion and book art in the same video. For the NZ Book Coun­cil. Awe inspiring.

Short and sweet today m’dears.

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