shiny things in messy little piles

Year: 2007 (Page 12 of 12)

Wired Magazine, the Cluetrain, and Synchronicity

Odd to me that I should dis­cov­er the Clue­Train Man­i­festo (I pre­fer to think of myself as fash­ion­ably late to the par­ty) in the same week that the lat­est of Wired mag­a­zine final­ly makes it to the top of the ought­ta read pile with it’s arti­cles about on-line open­ness. Includ­ing Clive Thomp­son’s The See-Through CEO with it’s painful­ly time­ly con­clud­ing para­graph. (I won’t spoil it for you.) Con­tin­ue reading

Color Help for the Design Impaired

I’m not a design­er and right now our home­page is ugly. Real­ly ugly.

ugly version of

One of my prob­lems is that I haven’t been able to decide on a col­or scheme. Until, that is, I was stand­ing in the bath­room brush­ing my teeth this morn­ing and look­ing at the paint col­or sam­ples that I have taped to the wall. (Try­ing to decide what col­or to paint the bath is a whole ‘nother prob­lem…) Con­tin­ue reading

Twitter, Voyeurs, and False Eyelashes

How many of the “social net­work­ing” tools are actu­al­ly just high tech tools for voyeurism. Have we become a nation (world/web) of peep­ing toms? Is voyeurism now a per­ver­sion that can be prac­ticed in many realms. We’re not just watch­ing one anoth­er have sex, we’re watch­ing one anoth­er dri­ve to work, and eat lunch, and get ready to club, and — Oooh shiny, a list of the odd things that we can watch peo­ple do on twitter.


Voyeurism and fan­ta­sy con­joined. We can’t actu­al­ly watch the girl put on her false eye­lash­es but we can imag­ine her.


There’s some­thing tru­ly strange going on here.

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